Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Reinstatement of ETP to Policy TA Funding

Date Published: 19 Apr 21

1.  For classes that start 23 April 2021 and later, HQ ACCESS is reinstating exception to policy (ETP) Tuition Assistance (TA) funding.  Soldiers should enroll in these classes directly with their Educational Institution.

2.  To ensure that there is no gap in TA funding, Soldiers whose classes start on 8 March 2021 and later will be provided ETP TA funding if TA eligible (e.g., not Flagged, have TA remaining for FY).   As such, no gap exists in a TA-eligible Soldier's ability to enroll in classes under this ETP.

3.  When the TA program is back online in ArmyIgnitED, Soldiers should follow the guidance provided in previous messages from HQ ACCESS to request ETP TA for classes beginning 8 March 2021 and later. 

4.  Once the TA program is back online in ArmyIgnitED and Soldiers are able to submit TA Requests into the system, HQ ACCESS will suspend the ETP TA process.  HQ ACCESS will message Soldiers when the TA program returns and when the ETP TA process has been discontinued.

5.  Soldiers with questions about the ETP TA process should contact their Army Education Center/Office directly or submit an ArmyIgnitED helpdesk case AFTER the TA program comes back on line.

ACCESS, Army University


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