Friday, March 18, 2022

S1NET Message Summary - 19 Mar 22

1. APRIL 2022 ENLISTED PROMOTION ITEMS (AC AND USAR AGR).      a. ACTIVE COMPONENT ENLISTED PROMOTION CUTOFF SCORES AND SGT/SSG BY-NAME PROMOTION LISTS, APRIL 2022.      b. AGR (USAR) SGT/SSG PROMOTION CUTOFF SCORES AND BY-NAME LIST, 1 APRIL 22.      c. AC SENIOR ENLISTED PROMOTIONS BY- NAME, SEQUENCE REPORT AND ORDERS, APRIL 2022.      d. AGR (USAR) (SFC-SGM) Senior Enlisted Promotion Sequence Number Report and By-Name Promotions List, April 2022. 2. REMINDER...AGS HR CREDENTIALING PROGRAM SPRING 2022- OPEN ENROLLMENT (15 FEB - 1 APR 22). The Adjutant General School (AGS) is pleased to announce open enrollment for the AG School Credentialing Program, spring 2022 iteration. Qualified CMF 42 Soldiers, from all components, may apply for this opportunity to participate in the credentialing program. The program is being expanded to include a wider range of credentials that can positively affect AG Soldiers during their lifecycle. Deadline to apply is 1 April 2022. 3. HRC MILITARY SCHOOLS BRANCH ITEMS.      a. 1ST QTR FY 22 REGULAR ARMY NCO ALC SCHEDULING (PROMOTION POINTS DATA). To provide transparency and manage expectations, Military Schools Branch releases quarterly statistics of Soldiers scheduled for ALC by Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) and promotion points. These numbers reflect the average promotion points required to be scheduled by MOS by month. HRC schedules Soldiers for ALC 90 to 120 days in advance.      b. REGULAR ARMY NCO SLC-MLC SCHEDULING (OML DATA) AS OF MARCH 2022. To provide transparency and manage expectations, Military Schools Branch releases monthly statistics of Soldiers scheduled for SLC by Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) and the Evaluation Board Order of Merit List (OML). These numbers reflect the last OML number that has been used for scheduling by MOS.      c. USAR AGR NCO SLC-MLC SCHEDULING (OML DATA) AS OF MARCH 2022. To provide transparency and manage expectations, Military Schools Branch releases monthly statistics of Soldiers scheduled for SLC by Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) and the Evaluation Board Order of Merit List (OML). These numbers reflect the last OML number that has been used for scheduling by MOS. 4. NO MORE SERVICE OBLIGATION FOR CREDENTIALING ASSISTANCE (CA). Per DoDI 1322.33, para 4.2b, (DoD Credentialing Programs), Officers & Warrant Officers no longer incur a Service Obligation for using Credentialing Assistance on or after 13 October 2021!  This change includes training, materials, exams, etc.  Be advised, any CA usage that was completed before 13 October 2021 still retains the Service Obligation associated with that request. 5. GI BILL SUMMIT—14 APRIL. The Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) will be hosting the first ever 2022 GI Bill Summit via Facebook Live on Thursday, 14 April at 1200 hours EST. This summit is intended for GI Bill students and veterans and is an opportunity to engage directly with DVA leadership to get the latest updates about the GI Bill program.  A summary of the topics that will be covered is provided at the following link. 6. USAR MAJ/O4 (TPU OR AGR) EXERCISE PARTICIPATION OPPORTUNITY WITH THE CANADIAN ARMY COMMAND AND STAFF COLLEGE (CACSC) PRIMARY RESERVE ARMY OPERATIONS COURSE (PRAOC). The United States Army Reserve (USAR) will participate in the CACSC PRAOC Final Exercise in Kingston, Ontario from 6-23 July 2022. The Army Operations Course (AOC) teaches Combined Arms Army doctrine, planning and execution of Army operations at the Battle Group and Brigade Level to senior Captains to prepare them for sub-unit command and staff appointments at the formation level in a digitized environment. International students are invited for their professional development and to promote interoperability, international collaboration, and relationship-building. The USAR will recommend three (3) Officers to participate in the exercise. Interested officers, visit the following link for more information. 7. Recently published DOD and Army Directives (AD) and All Army Activity (ALARACT) messages. None. New ALARACTs and ADs are also posted on APD at the following link. 8. Recently published Military Personnel (MILPER) messages and Military Pay E-Messages.  All MILPER messages are available on the HRC MILPER web page at All Military Pay E-Messages are available on milBook at      a. MILPER MESSAGE 22-088, FISCAL YEAR 2024 (FY 24) LIEUTENANT COLONEL (LTC) ARMY COMPETITIVE CATEGORY (ACC) CENTRALIZED SELECTION LIST (CSL) BOARDS ANNOUNCEMENT, ISSUED: [3/18/2022 10:50:57 AM]. Selection boards will convene 10-26 May 22 to consider eligible Active Component LTCs and promotable MAJs for assignment to Centralized Selection List (CSL) designated positions for Fiscal Year 2024 (FY 24) (1 October 2023 – 30 September 24). The CSL board is the first phase for Command and General Staff officer selection. The CSL board will generate the invitation list to the second phase - the Command Assessment Program 24 (CAP 24). Selection for CSL billets will occur after officers complete CAP 24 and their order of merit (OML) will be based on the CSL board score combined with scored components of CAP 24. Officers found “Not Yet Ready for Command” (NYRFC) at CAP 24 will not appear on the FY 24 CSL.      b. MILPER MESSAGE 22-089, RELEASE OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2022 (FY22) ACTIVE COMPONENT (AC), COLONEL (COL), MEDICAL CORPS (MC) AND DENTAL CORPS (DC), PROMOTION SELECTION BOARDS (PSB), ISSUED: [3/18/2022 12:54:08 PM]. This message announces the release of the results for subject Promotion Selection Boards, (PSB). The Prepositioning Release date is 22 Mar 24. The official promotion list will be released at 0730 hours EDT, 24 Mar 22.      c. MILPER MESSAGE 22-090, FISCAL YEAR 2022 (FY22) ACTIVE COMPONENT (AC), LIEUTENANT COLONEL (LTC), OPERATIONS (OPS), OPERATIONS SUPPORT (OS), AND FORCE SUSTAINMENT (FS), SELECTIVE CONTINUATION BOARD, ISSUED: [3/18/2022 2:03:07 PM]. A Special Selection Continuation Board will convene on or about 24 Mar 22 to consider officers for selective continuation (SELCON) who have twice failed selection for promotion. Officers are considered for SELCON based on the need of the Army. The needs of the Army has changed in the past several months since the original promotion selection and SELCON considerations took place for the FY22 LTC ACC Primary Selection Board. As a result the Army will conduct a supplemental SELCON board for 2 time non-select (2xNS) MAJs who were not previously considered for continuation. 9. S1NET MEMBER REQUESTS. The following S1NET member requests/questions are pending.  If you can assist, please do so.      a. (USAR) RESERVE BAR TO REENLIST TEMPLATE. Does anyone happen to have a template for a bar to reenlist that they are willing to share? 10. FORSCOM WIAS POSITIONS (UPDATED A/O 18 MAR 22). Hot openings listed at the following link.           a. COVER TECHNICIAN | FT GEORGE MEADE, MD | 35M | TS/SCI REQ. | E6-7 | APRIL 2022 | 180 days.      b. MOD LIAISON | BAGHDAD, IRAQ | 01A | TS/SCI REQ. | O5 | JULY 2022 |365 days.      c. J6 NCOIC/SEA | AL UDEID AB, QATAR | 25W | SECRET REQ. | E7 | MAY 2022 | 365 days.      d. SENIOR PROPERTY ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN | AMMAN, JORDAN | 920A | SECRET | MAY2022 | 365 days. 11. ARNG/USAR POSITIONS/JOBS AVAILABLE.  S1NET members have posted the following RC position/job vacancy information.  For a listing of all USAR primary vacancies (updated weekly) visit Units/commands who wish to post vacancies on S1NET may do so by following the instructions posted on the front page of the Job Announcements topic at the following link. Those posts which are in the correct location and which are posted in accordance with the instructions provided will be included in a future S1NET Message Summary.      a. TPU O1-O3 BATTALION STAFF AND COMPANY CDR/XO POSITIONS IN MI, IN, AND IL (01A) AND E5-E7 DRILL SERGEANTS (WILL TRAIN) WITH 3-330TH IN RGT (OSUT).      b. 83RD CSSB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT FOR TPU POSITIONS, SFC/92A, CPT/90A, KAISERSLAUTERN, GERMANY.      c. MULTIPLE VACANCIES (ADOS AND TPU), 470TH MILITARY INTELLIGENCE BRIGADE (THEATER), FT SAM HOUSTON, TX.      d. MAJ/67A XO TPU VACANCY, 429TH MEDICAL BATTALION – MULTIFUNCTIONAL (MMB), SAVANNAH, GA.


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