Tuesday, August 2, 2022

S1NET Message Summary - 2 Aug 22

1. THE ARMY PEOPLE SEMINAR FOR ACADEMIC YEAR (AY) 2022-2023 (ALARACT 033/2022). This is a reminder that the Army People Seminar application widow closes 15 AUG 2022. This professional development seminar will institutionalize the principles of the Army People Strategy. The seminar will meet monthly, beginning September 2022, for nine sessions (Thursday evenings or Saturday mornings) to educate high-potential officers, noncommissioned officers, Army civilians, and future senior leaders in the art and science of talent management. For more information, see the message at the following link. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1151135 2. IPPS-A WEBINAR SERIES: (DAY 0) SFPA FLAG / S1 POOL SET UP – 10 AUG 2022. Attached is the CONOP for the IPPS-A Webinar on (Day 0) SFPA Flag / S1 Pool Set Up that will be conducted on 10 AUG 2022 at 1100 via MS Teams. During this webinar, the IPPS-A FMD Training Team will go over Day 0: SFPA Flag (Behind the scenes entry), Day 1: SFPA Flag PAR (5-day delay for automatic promotions) and S1 Pool Set Up –how to do it, how to determine which UIC should be an S-1 Pool and how to link units using C2. This session is geared towards BN/BDE S1s and DIV/RD/STATE users. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1173970 3. BRANCH/COMMAND ITEMS.      a. AGCRA NEWSLETTER # 27. In this issue: Enlisted Promotion Board Timelines Skewed During IPPS-A Brownout/Cutover, and IPPS-A Coffee Tawk: Season 4 Episode 2. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1174646 4. NEW/REVISED PUBLICATIONS. The following new/revised ARs, DA Pams, ADPs, ADRPs, ATPs, ATTPs, and FMs have been published on the APD website during the past month. If the links provided do not work for you, go to the APD website at the following link and use the search function to look for the new edition. https://armypubs.army.mil/      a. AR 525-95, 07/26/2022, Army Geospatial-Intelligence and Geospatial Information and Services. https://armypubs.army.mil/ProductMaps/PubForm/Details.aspx?PUB_ID=1021303      b. AR 672-8, 07/8/2022, Manufacture, Sale, Wear, and Quality Control of Heraldic Items. https://armypubs.army.mil/ProductMaps/PubForm/Details.aspx?PUB_ID=1023821      c. AR 690-500, 06/30/2022, Pay and Allowances Administration. https://armypubs.army.mil/ProductMaps/PubForm/Details.aspx?PUB_ID=1020796      d. AR 840-1, 07/18/2022, Department of the Army Seal, Emblem, And Branch of Service Plaques. https://armypubs.army.mil/ProductMaps/PubForm/Details.aspx?PUB_ID=1025268      e. ATP 3-06, 07/21/2022, Urban Operations. https://armypubs.army.mil/ProductMaps/PubForm/Details.aspx?PUB_ID=1025237      f. ATP 3-18.14, Special Forces Ground Mobility Operations Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures. https://armypubs.army.mil/ProductMaps/PubForm/Details.aspx?PUB_ID=1025239      g. ATP 3-53.4, 07/12/2022, Civil Authority Information Support. https://armypubs.army.mil/ProductMaps/PubForm/Details.aspx?PUB_ID=1025223      h. ATP 4-70, 07/28/2022, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology Forward Support to Large-Scale Combat Operations. https://armypubs.army.mil/ProductMaps/PubForm/Details.aspx?PUB_ID=1025327      i. DA PAM 611-256-2, 07/18/2022, Selection Instrument for Flight Training Information. https://armypubs.army.mil/ProductMaps/PubForm/Details.aspx?PUB_ID=1024922          k. FM 3-01.44, 07/21/2022, Short-Range Air Defense Operations. https://armypubs.army.mil/ProductMaps/PubForm/Details.aspx?PUB_ID=1025245 5. Recently published DOD and Army Directives (AD) and All Army Activity (ALARACT) messages. None. New ALARACTs and ADs are also posted on APD at the following link.  https://armypubs.army.mil/default.aspx 6. Recently published Military Personnel (MILPER) messages and Military Pay E-Messages.  All MILPER messages are available on the HRC MILPER web page at https://www.hrc.army.mil/Milper. All Military Pay E-Messages are available on milBook at https://www.milsuite.mil/book/community/spaces/milpaye-messages.      a. MILPER MESSAGE 22-289, FY 23 CYBER TRAINING WITH INDUSTRY, ISSUED: [26 JUL 22). This MILPER message pertains only to active component Cyber Branch 17 Series Warrant Officers and Noncommissioned Officers. The Training with Industry (TWI) program is a work-experience program to provide extensive exposure to emerging technologies, managerial techniques, and industrial procedures within various technical sectors to competitively selected personnel. https://www.hrc.army.mil/Milper/22-289      b. MILPER MESSAGE 22-290, FISCAL YEAR 2022 (FY22), CHIEF OF CHAPLAINS ADVISORY BOARD, ZONES OF CONSIDERATION, 28 JUL 22. An advisory board is scheduled to convene on or about 15 Sep 22 to recommend candidates for appointment as the Chief of Chaplains, United States Army and appointment in the grade of major general. The considered population for this board includes those officers who, as of the release of this MILPER message, are colonels and above, Chaplains Corps (CH), serving on the active-duty list. https://www.hrc.army.mil/Milper/22-290      c. MILPER MESSAGE 22-291, ENLISTED TO MEDICAL DEGREE PREPARATORY PROGRAM (EMDP2) ARMY BOARD REQUIREMENTS 2023 MATRICULATING CLASS, ISSUED: [29 JUL 22]. This message provides general information, eligibility, application requirements, and waivers for the Army’s selection to the Enlisted to Medical Degree Preparatory Program (EMDP2). https://www.hrc.army.mil/Milper/22-291 7. FORSCOM WIAS POSITIONS (UPDATED A/O 29 JUL 22). Hot openings listed at the following link.  https://www.milsuite.mil/book/community/spaces/apf/s1net/forscom-wias      a. O & P CHIEF/DEPUTY CJ6 | ARIFJAN, KUWAIT | O-4 | 25A | TS/SCI | AUG2022 | 365 days.  https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-871989      b. C-UAS CHIEF/AMD CHIEF | ARIFJAN, KUWAIT | O-4 | 14A / 31A | TS/SCI | AUG2022 | 365 days.  https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-871989      c. OPS PLANNER 2 (SAMS) | ARIFJAN, KUWAIT | O-4 | 02A | TS/SCI | AUG2022 | 365 days. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-871989      d. SAMS PLANNER 1 |ARIFJAN, KUWAIT | O-4 | 02A | TS | AUG2022 | 365 days. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-871989 8. ARNG/USAR POSITIONS/JOBS AVAILABLE.  S1NET members have posted the following RC position/job vacancy information.  For a listing of all USAR primary vacancies (updated weekly) visit https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-375787. Units/commands who wish to post vacancies on S1NET may do so by following the instructions posted on the front page of the Job Announcements topic at the following link. Those posts which are in the correct location and which are posted in accordance with the instructions provided will be included in a future S1NET Message Summary.      https://www.milsuite.mil/book/community/spaces/apf/s1net/jobannouncementsmobvacancies      a. VIRGINIA NATIONAL GUARD, ASSISTANT IG & IG NCO, M-DAY POSITIONS, E7-E8, VARIOUS LOCATIONS. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1173521      b. AGR: MISSISSIPPI NATIONAL GUARD (MSARNG) OPERATIONS OFFICER 2LT-CPT 47TH CIVIL SUPPORT TEAM FLOWOOD, MS. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1173791      c. 42D INFANTRY DIVISION, M-DAY MULTIPLE OFFICER, WARRANT OFFICER, AND ENLISTED VACANCIES, VARIOUS LOCATIONS, NY. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1173806      d. 400TH MILITARY POLICE BATTALION VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT MILITARY POLICE EXECUTIVE OFFICER & COMPANY COMMANDER (31A, MAJ & CPT), LOCATIONS IN MD. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1173831      e. ARMY G-4 FY22 & 23 CO-ADOS AND OP-ADOS TOURS AT THE PENTAGON. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1013521      f. 420TH EN BDE TPU VACANCIES (OFF/WO/ENL) ANNOUNCEMENT, BRYAN, TX. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/message/994097      g. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS LIAISON OFFICER (EPLO) AUGMENTATION GROUP VACANCIES, VARIOUS LOCATIONS. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-201504      h. 348TH TRANSPORTATION BATTALION, TPU, CPT/90A, DETACHMENT COMMANDER OFFICER VACANCY, HOUSTON, TX. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1174321      i. 505TH SIGNAL BRIGADE MULTIPLE TPU OPENINGS, NV AND AZ. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1174249      j. AREA SUPPORT GROUP-POLAND, MULTIPLE OFFICERS AND ENLISTED VACANCIES, VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN POLAND. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1174556      k. 926TH EN BN VACANCIES, VARIOUS LOCATIONS. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1164845


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