Thursday, December 15, 2022

S1NET Message Summary - 9 Dec 22

1. IPPS-A BROWNOUT/CUTOVER UPDATE, 8 DEC 22. From COL Rebecca Eggers, IPPS-A FMD:  Some key points in this update are provided below.  See the entire update at the following link.      a. SharePoint Data Accuracy. Accountability is the G1’s number one condition to Go-Live in December. The Army Materiel Command (AMC) SharePoint was established to track Soldiers as they move through the training pipeline and between installations during BOCO. We are working through solutions to execute mass transactions at the enterprise level (e.g., mass departures) to facilitate your arrival transactions; however, we need reliable data. We are seeing duplicate records and records with clearly erroneous DoDIDs (all 1s) and data. Please use due diligence in ensuring Soldiers are not in the tool prior to adding new Soldiers and that you are entering correct data.      b. The phased approach we are taking means Human Resources (HR) Professionals, including all subcategories, will be granted access to IPPS-A on 20 December 2022 and all other users (to include Leaders/Supervisors, will gain access in January 2023. We remain in a conditions-based posture, but the program continues to meet the benchmarks required for Go-Live.      c. Please take the time to double check that your commanders who will validate the Promotion Consideration Roster have completed their leader training and are correctly mapped. If not, you will need to quickly complete their access request after Go-Live to ensure promotions are not delayed for your semi-centralized population.      d. If you have not completed your training, please do so as soon as possible. On 14 December 2022 [corrected date], the Enterprise Learning Management (ELM) training platform will be taken off-line. Users that are not auto-provisioned for Go-Live will need to submit an access request after Go-Live to be provisioned by their unit validators, so complete your training to eliminate any delay. POIs cannot be provisioned during Brownout and must be added after Go-Live.      e.  I often direct you to our website and S1NET page; however, I realize that there is an immense amount of content in both places. I have attached an index of the videos and products sorted by delivery (webinar, training video, etc.) to assist you in quickly finding specific topics you may need. We will keep this index updated and tag it to our S1NET landing page (following link). I hope it helps. 2. CALENDAR YEAR 2023 (CY23) NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICER (NCO) PROMOTIONS, 1 DEC 22. From the Army G-1:  Effective with the January 2023 promotion month, the Army will utilize the temporary promotion provision (in AR 600-8-19), as needed, to promote RA and USAR Soldiers to the rank of Sergeant (SGT) through Sergeant Major (SGM) based on their order of merit list (OML) standing or awarded promotion points, without regard to their completion of the requisite level of professional military education (PME) required for promotion. This memo also makes exceptions to policy concerning the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.  Both RA and USAR battalion commanders serving as promotion authorities may utilize virtual promotion boards or rely on input from the battalion command sergeant major to make recommendations regarding promotion of enlisted Soldiers. 3. INTEGRATE AC AND USAR AGR SOLDIERS TO THE PROMOTION RECOMMENDED ROSTER (PRR) FROM PROMOTION CONSIDERATION ROSTER (PCR). From HRC Enlisted Promotions:  The slides at the following link provide procedures to add Soldiers (SPC/SGT) to the Promotion Recommended Roster (PRR) who went to the board in Dec from 10-26 and every month after. As the PPW will no longer exist, the task is to move the Soldier from the consideration roster to the recommended roster – the BN Cdr must approve the recommended roster or the Soldiers will not be moved and will not be promotable. 4. IPPS-A REPLAYS! Learn how to perform a function in IPPS-A in under 4 minutes.      a.  CREATE AN AWARD RECOMMENDATION PAR.      b. CREATE WORKFLOW TEMPLATE.      c. CREATE USER DEFINE LIST.      d. REQUEST ACCESS ON BEHALF OF A MEMBER. 5. IPPS-A "A DAY IN THE LIFE" WEBINAR SERIES - TOPIC DRIVEN Q&A SESSION – USING CRM AS AN HR AGENT 14 DEC 2022. Attached is the CONOP for the IPPS-A "A Day in the Life" Webinar Series on Topic Driven Q&A Session – Using CRM as an HR Agent. The FMD Training Team will be conducting two sessions on 14 DEC 22 at 1100 ET and 1900 ET. 6. Recently published DOD and Army Directives (AD) and All Army Activity (ALARACT) messages. None. New ALARACTs and ADs are also posted on APD at the following link. 7. Recently published Military Personnel (MILPER) messages and Military Pay E-Messages.  All MILPER messages are available on the HRC MILPER web page at All Military Pay E-Messages are available on milBook at      a. MILPER MESSAGE 22-479, FISCAL YEAR 2023 (FY23) ACTIVE-DUTY HEALTH PROFESSIONS LOAN REPAYMENT PROGRAM (ADHPLRP), ISSUED: [12/7/2022 1:16:54 PM]. The Surgeon General (TSG) has approved the ADHPLRP as a retention initiative to maintain adequate numbers of selected qualified Army Medical Department (AMEDD) commissioned officers on active duty and within the active component. Funding available for FY23, up to $40,000 (pre-tax) per year in loan repayment funding for qualified educational loans is available for each selected eligible applicant, for a contract period of up to three years. 8. S1NET MEMBER/UNIT CONTRIBUTIONS. The following unit/individually developed products or information have been contributed to S1NET for the use and benefit of all members/units. These products have not been reviewed nor sanctioned by TRADOC or the AG School, and may be specific to the unit/component/location.      a. 1ID G-1 IPPS-A SOP V2. “This latest version of the 1ID IPPS-A SOP includes a summary of changes on page 5 specifying each change. However, the greatest changes are:  updated Business Practice for returning PARs, updated Restricted Roles, updated SGS/Legal PAR facilitation., specified tasks for Replacement, updated Coding Application, continued UTL submissions to Finance via legacy method upon receiving a KSD from IPPS-A, updated Drop from Rolls criteria, updated definition list, and AAA Legacy reports to IPPS-A.” Contributed by WO1 Reynold Raj. 9. FORSCOM WIAS POSITIONS (UPDATED A/O 2 DEC 22). Hot openings listed at the following link.       a. J5 DEPUTY DIRECTOR| DJIBOUTI | O5 | 02A | TS | ASAP | 365 DAYS.      b. FACILITY_REPAIR_OPS_OFFICER | HONOLULU | O3-O4 | 12A | SECRET | ASAP | 365 DAYS.      c. J7 DIRECTOR | AL UDEID AB | O3 | 12A | SECRET | ASAP | 180 DAYS.      d. JPRC DEPDIR/PR MSN PLNR/COORD | SOTO CANO | W2 | 154C | SECRET | 180 DAYS.  10. ARNG/USAR POSITIONS/JOBS AVAILABLE.  S1NET members have posted the following RC position/job vacancy information.  For a listing of all USAR primary vacancies (updated weekly) visit Units/commands who wish to post vacancies on S1NET may do so by following the instructions posted on the front page of the Job Announcements topic at the following link. Those posts which are in the correct location and which are posted in accordance with the instructions provided will be included in a future S1NET Message Summary.      a. TPU O6 VACANCY, 01A, 86TH TSC, 2ND MCTD, FORT SNELLING, MN.      b. USAR VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT, UNFILLED POSITIONS WITHIN THE 1188TH DDSB, DECATUR, GA/PANAMA CITY, FL/SAVANNAH, GA.      c. 29TH COMBAT AVIATION BRIGADE (CAB), BRIGADE COMMANDER, MDARNG, ABERDEEN PROVING GROUNDS, MD.      d. IMA COL/O6 (01A/02A/74A/38A/52B) OFFICER VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT – HHBN, 8TH U.S. ARMY, SOUTH KOREA.      e. USAR MILITARY HISTORY DETACHMENTS TPU MULTIPLE OFFICER AND ENLISTED VACANCY’S MULTIPLE LOCATIONS.      f. SOLDIER RECOVERY UNIT, CO-ADOS, MAJ/O1A, BN XO, FT. CAMPBELL, KY.


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