Army National Guard AGR Jobs

Do you need a job? Why not work for the National Guard? Go check out the list of AGR available for your state.

Texas Army National Guard AGR Jobs

Are you a member of the Texas Army National Guard? "Texas AGR jobs" are the most searched AGR jobs on Google. Check them out now!

Florida Army National Guard AGR Jobs

Are you a member of the Florida Army National Guard? "Florida AGR jobs" are the second most searched AGR jobs on Google. Check them out now!

California Army National Guard AGR Jobs

Are you a member of the California Army National Guard? "California AGR jobs" are the third most searched AGR jobs on Google. Check them out now!

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

TRICARE Reserve Select Cost

What is TRICARE Reserve Select?

TRICARE Reserve Select is the health insurance available to the M-Day status National Guard soldiers.


How much does TRICARE Reserve Select cost?

The TRICARE Reserve Select monthly premiums are as follows, based on your maritial status. For the Member + Family option, the premium is the same regardless of the number of dependents you have. For an example, if you only have a spouse, or 10 children, the premium will be the same.

  • Member only: $48.47/month
  • Member + Family: $239.69/month

Above prices are current as of fiscal year 2023 (FY23). For the most current premiums and coverage, visit


TRICARE Reserve Select Coverage:

TRICARE Reserve Select
  • Costs are for calendar year (CY) 2023 unless noted separately. 
  • You have to pay a monthly or quarterly premium depending on your plan. Premiums do not count toward your catastrophic cap. 
  • Visit the Cost Terms page for definitions to help you better understand TRICARE costs.
Enrollment Fees or PremiumsEnrollment Fees or Premiums

Member only: $48.47/month

Member + Family: $239.69/month




E1-E4: $60/individual and $121/family

E5 & above: $182/individual and $365/family

Note: prescription costs also apply to your annual deductible.

Catastrophic CapCatastrophic Cap


Health Plan CostsOutpatient Visit - Primary

Network: $18

Out-of-Network: 20%

Outpatient Visit - Specialty

Network: $30

Out-of-Network: 20%

Urgent Care

Network: $24

Out-of-Network: 20%

Emergency Services

Network: $48

Out-of-Network: 20%


Laboratory and X-Ray

Network: $0

Out-of-Network: 20%



  • Network: $18
  • Out-of-Network: 20%

Inpatient: 20%

Ambulatory Surgery (Same Day)

Network: $30

Out-of-Network: 20%

Mental Health (Inpatient)

Network: $73/admission

Out-of-Network: 20%

Mental Health (Outpatient/Partial Hospitalization) - Primary Care

Network: $18

Out-of-Network: 20%

Mental Health (Outpatient/Partial Hospitalization) - Specialty Care

Network: $30

Out-of-Network: 20%

Mental Health (RTF)

Network: $30/day

Out-of-Network: $60/day

Clinical Preventive Services$0
Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, and Medical Supplies

Network: 10%

Out-of-Network: 20%

Home Health Care$0
Hospice Care$0 (Medical equipment and pharmacy are billed separately)
Hospitalization (Inpatient Care)

Network: $73/admission

Out-of-Network: 20%

Maternity (Delivery/Inpatient)

Network: $73/admission

Out-of-Network: 20%

Maternity (Delivery/Birthing Center)

Network: $30

Out-of-Network: 20%

Maternity (Home) - Primary

Network: $18

Out-of-Network: 20%

Maternity (Home) - Specialty

Network: $30

Out-of-Network: 20%

Newborn Care

Network: $0

Out-of-Network: 20%

Skilled Nursing

Network: $30/day

Out-of-Network: $60/day

PharmacyGeneric (Tier 1) - Military Pharmacy


Generic (Tier 1) - Home Delivery



Generic (Tier 1) - Retail

Network: $14

Non-network: $38 or 20% of total cost, whichever is more

Brand-name (Tier 2) - Military Pharmacy


Brand-name (Tier 2) - Home Delivery


Brand-name (Tier 2) - Retail

Network: $38

Non-network: $38 or 20% of total cost, whichever is more

Non-Formulary (Tier 3) - Military Pharmacy

Generally not available without medical necessity for non-formulary drugsA drug in a therapeutic class that isn’t as clinically or cost-effective as other drugs in the same class. You pay a higher cost share for these drugs..  

Non-Formulary (Tier 3) - Home Delivery


Non-Formulary (Tier 3) - Retail

Network: $68

Non-network: $68 or 20% of total cost, whichever is more

Sunday, October 29, 2023

S1NET Message Summary - 26 Oct 23

1. TAG SENDS: CASUALTY OPERATIONS. From BG Gregory S. Johnson, TAG63:  Sharing several items worth your immediate consideration and review. Have provided some casualty tools, guidance and POCs to assist in ensuring our force remains ready to deploy. There have been many updates to our casualty tracking tools and accountability documents over the past few years, please see updates (at the following link) on the Medical Planner’ Toolkit (MPTK), DCIPS, DD93 guidance, DTAS, and iPERMS. 2. FY23 AC COL JAG PROMOTION SELECTION BOARD (PSB) UPDATE, 26 OCT 23. From HRC Officer Promotions:  This board convened on 26 Jun and recessed (R-Date) on 30 Jun 23. Starting at R+120, updates will be sent every 30 days to the eligible population until official results are released. As of 26 Oct 23, board results are with the Office of the Secretary of Defense for review and approval. Target window for release is between R+120 and R+180. 3. iPERMS AUTOMATED BATCH PROCESSING DEMONSTRATION AND LPD TOWN HALL MEETING, 16 NOV 23. Come join iPERMS at the town hall meeting. 4. IPPS-A ITEMS.      a. IPPSA KNOWN ISSUES, 20 OCTOBER, 2023. 5. BRANCH/COMMAND ITEMS.      a. AGCRA NEWSLETTER # 102. Awards Processing, AGCRA Tax Exemption, 229th Army Band, Fountain City / Lone Star / Alamo Chapters & AUSA Savings. 6. Recently published Military Personnel (MILPER) messages and Military Pay Messages.       a. MILPER MESSAGE 23-447, 2ND QTR, FY24 VOLUNTARY TRANSFER INCENTIVE PROGRAM (VTIP) FOR ARMY COMPETITIVE CATEGORY (ACC) OFFICERS, ISSUED: [10/25/2023 9:04:30 AM]. This message provides procedural guidance for the 2nd QTR, Fiscal Year (FY)24 Voluntary Transfer Incentive Program (VTIP). Army Competitive Category (ACC) officers may submit a DA Form 4187 requesting Branch or Functional Area (FA) transfer from 25 October 2023 – 30 November 2023.      b. MILPER MESSAGE 23-448, AMENDMENT TO MILPER MESSAGE 23-383, 19 SEPTEMBER 2023, SUBJECT: RELEASE OF THE CALENDAR YEAR 2024 (CY24) ARMY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT (AMEDD) STRATEGIC BILLET (SB) SLATE, ISSUED: [10/25/2023 9:40:36 AM]. See the message for changes.      c. MILPER MESSAGE 23-449, EVALUATION REPORTING SYSTEM INVALID REPORT CREATION AND SUBMISSION PRACTICES – “CHURNING REPORTS”, ISSUED: [10/25/2023 9:48:55 AM]. The purpose of this message is to detail an unacceptable evaluation practice that some rating officials are executing within the Evaluation Entry System. The unacceptable practice, referred to as “churning,” involves generating multiple, and usually short, evaluation reports with no true event-driven requirement for the type of evaluation report submitted (e.g., Change of Rater with no alteration to rating chain, Change of Duty with no change to assigned duty, and Retirement with no approved retirement request). This unacceptable practice circumvents Army Regulation (AR) 623-3, and the authorized reasons for an evaluation submission without a valid change in status. This is contrary to the spirit and intent of the regulation and undermines the selection process for all rated Soldiers. This practice must be discontinued. The Army expects and requires leaders to be aware of policies and procedures and to apply and uphold established, expected standards without bias.      d. MILPER MESSAGE 23-450, JOINT MERITORIOUS UNIT AWARD TO HEADQUARTERS, JOINT TASK FORCE 339, ISSUED: [10/25/2023 11:22:19 AM]. This message is to announce the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has awarded the Joint Meritorious Unit Award (JMUA) to Headquarters, Joint Task Force 339, and its forward deployed sub-elements, for exceptionally meritorious service during the period 2 April 2018 to 1 August 2021.      e. MILPER MESSAGE 23-451, APPROVAL OF EXCEPTION TO POLICY REINSTATING AWARD OF THE INHERENT RESOLVE CAMPAIGN MEDAL TO MEMBERS SERVING IN IRAQ, ISSUED: [10/25/2023 11:23:58 AM]. This message is to announce the award of the Inherent Resolve Campaign Medal (IRCM) is hereby reinstated to award Servicemembers serving in Iraq who meet IRCM eligibility criteria in paragraph 4.9 of Department of Defense Manual (DoDM) 1348, Volume 2, “Manual of Military Decorations and Awards: DoD Service Awards - Campaign, Expeditionary, and Service Medals,” for the period of 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2024. This exception to policy expires on 1 January 2025.      f. MILPER MESSAGE 23-452, FY25 COLONEL (COL) FINANCE AND COMPTROLLER (FC) KEY DESIGNATED BILLET (KDB) SLATE RELEASE, ISSUED: [10/25/2023 11:28:40 AM]. This message announces the release of the FY25 Colonel (COL) Finance and Comptroller (FC) Branch Key Designated Billet (KDB) Slate on 27 October 2023. 7. FORSCOM WIAS POSITIONS (UPDATED A/O 19 OCT 23). The below hot openings, and others, are listed at the following link.      a. OPERATIONS OFFICER | FORT LIBERTY, N.C. | O-4 | 02A | TS/SCI | JUL 2023.  | 365 DAYS.       b. OPERATIONS PLANNER 2 | CAMP ARIFIJAN, KUWAIT | O-4 | 02A | TS/SCI | SEP 2023 | 365 DAYS.      c. OPERATIONS OFFICER | FORT LIBERTY, N.C. | O-3 | 11A | TS/SCI | OCT 2023 | 365 DAYS.         d. PUBLIC AFFAIRS NCO| CAMP ARIFIJAN, KUWAIT | E-7 |46S | S | OCT 2023 |180 DAYS.  8. ARNG/USAR POSITIONS/JOBS AVAILABLE.  S1NET members have posted the following RC position/job vacancy information.  For a listing of all USAR primary vacancies (updated weekly) visit Units/commands who wish to post vacancies on S1NET may do so by following the instructions posted on the front page of the Job Announcements topic at the following link. Those posts which are in the correct location and which are posted in accordance with the instructions provided will be included in a future S1NET Message Summary.          a. THE 649TH REGIONAL SUPPORT GROUP (RSG) IS LOOKING FOR ENGAGED LEADERS FOCUSED ON WARFIGHTING AND TRAINING TO JOIN OUR TEAM, LOCATIONS IN IA, IL.      b. TPU XO VACANCY | 35A, 6/108TH MI BN, FT LIBERTY, NC.      c. ADOS-RC OPPORTUNITY: CG AIDE-DE-CAMP FOR 79TH THEATER SUSTAINMENT COMMAND, LOS ALAMITOS, CA - RANK: CPT, 01A.      d. ISO MID-LEVEL NCOS FOR DEPLOYING LOGISTICS TASK FORCE, 96TH SUST BDE.      e. 275TH COMBAT SUSTAINMENT SUPPORT BATTALION, MULTIPLE TPU VACANCIES, FT. GREGG-ADAMS, VA.      f. VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT OF TROOP PROGRAM UNIT (TPU) VACANCIES, J1 DIRECTOR, LTC, CJTF-HOA, CAMP LEMONNIER, DJIBOUTI.      g. 1-340th Training Support Battalion (TSBN) E-6 to E-8 Enlisted and CPT to MAJ Officer TPU Vacancies, Fort Snelling, MN.      h. ANNOUNCEMENT OF HHC COMMANDER FOR 3RD BATTALION, 381ST REGIMENT, (OC/T) 1ST BRIGADE, 91ST TRAINING DIVISION, DALLAS, TX.      i. COMMANDER VACANCY FOR 357TH FORWARD RESUSCITATIVE SURGICAL DETACHMENT AND 420TH MEDICAL DETACHMENT HOSPITAL AUGMENTATION, 801ST FIELD HOSP, FT SHERIDAN, IL.      j. 3RD BDE (CM), 102ND TRAINING DIVISION, TPU POSITIONS (E6-E7 74D INSTRUCTOR/ E6-E7 TRAINING SGT/ E5-E7 42A / E4-E7 92Y/ E7 79V/ E7 EO), VARIOUS LOCATIONS; FARRELL, PA / DEVENS, MA / N LITTLE ROCK, AR / HOMEWOOD, IL / JBLM, WA /HUNTSVILLE, AL.      k. VACANCY FOR TPU 75TH UNITED STATES ARMY RESERVE INNOVATION COMMAND (USARIC) G8/COL/36A, HOUSTON, TX.      l. OKARNG AGR, E4/E5, 74D CBRN NCO, 63RD CST, NORMAN, OK.      m. MILITARY SURFACE DEPLOYMENT & DISTRIBUTION COMMAND (SDDC) – IMA GROUP VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT, SCOTT AFB, IL.      n. B CO 2-104TH GSAB, CW3, M-DAY IP/SP VACANCY, FORT INDIANTOWN GAP, PA.      o. 597TH TRANS BDE, IMA GROUP VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT, VA, SC, TX.      p. 598TH TRANS BDE, IMA GROUP VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT, SEMBACH, GERMANY.      q. 596TH TRANS BDE, IMA GROUP VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT, BD S2/3, LTC/90A, SOUTHPORT, NC.      r. OPEN OFFICER, ENLISTED AND NCO POSS WITHIN THE 163 REGIONAL SUPPORT GROUP (RSG), CAMP NORMANDY, GRAFENWOEHR, GERMANY.

S1NET Message Summary - 24 Oct 23

1. AG SCHOOL CREDENTIALING PROGRAM APPLICATION WINDOW OPEN 3 JANUARY - 29 FEBRUARY 2024. From the AG Proponent: AG School Institutionally Delivered Credentialing (IDC) Program: The Adjutant General School is pleased to announce the application packet submission window will be open 3 January – 29 February ‘24 for the AG School IDC Program, Spring FY24 Session. Qualified CMF/AOC 42 Soldiers from all components/cohorts may apply for this opportunity to participate in the credentialing program. The program includes the Associate Professional in Human Resources (aPHR), Professional in Human Resources (PHR), Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR), Project Management Professional (PMP), and Certified Associate Project Management (CAPM). 2. THE REVIEW TAB. From HRC Army Soldier Records Branch:  Records Reviews can only be completed using EAMS-A Login, the "Review" tab is not available when DS Logon is used to access iPERMS. 3. NEW AMEDD, MEDICAL CORPS - SPORTS MEDICINE SKILL IDENTIFIER (S2) (FOR PERSONNEL ONLY). Establish SI S2 (Personnel Only). From the AMEDD Personnel Proponent:  This NOFC advises of the establishment of SI S2, which identifies non-surgical physicians possessing higher level of specialized training in Sports Medicine evidenced by their completion of a Sports Medicine fellowship program certified by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). Association with the following AOCs, 60P, 61F, 61H, 61P and 62A authorized. 4. IPPS-A ITEMS.      a. IPPS-A HRC G1/S1 TOUCHPOINT 11 OCT 23, TOPIC: CRM.  The video of this Touchpoint session is not available through the following link on S1NET.      b. IPPS-A ACCESS USING BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE (BYOD). From CW3 Alexandru Mircea, & approved by the IPPS-A Team:  “I recently received a few questions regarding the IPPS-A app and HR Pro access on the Army BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). So here are the main points: Yes, you can access the IPPS-A app and you can access the HR Pro (or any other elevated access screen) from your own device. I asked around and so far about 5000 users tried this feature.” Visit the following link for information on how to enroll. 5. BRANCH/COMMAND ITEMS.      a. AG MENTORSHIP. COL (Ret) Rob Manning, AGCRA President, provides his latest article that a lot of AGCRA members are interested in - AG Mentorship! 6. Recently published Military Personnel (MILPER) messages and Military Pay Messages.       a. MILPER MESSAGE 23-445, AMENDMENT TO MILPER 23-428, SUBJECT: FISCAL YEAR 2024 (FY24) BRIGADIER GENERAL, JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL’S CORPS (JAGC), PROMOTION SELECTION BOARD (FY24 BG, JAGC, PSB), ZONES OF CONSIDERATION, ISSUED: [10/23/2023 1:56:23 PM]. Paragraph 13a. is amended to read: My Board File opens: 16 Oct 23 EDT and closes: 2359 EST 27 Nov 23.      b. MILPER MESSAGE 23-446, U.S. ARMY HUMAN RESOURCES COMMAND EXECUTION OF ARMY TEMPORARY (BREVET) PROMOTION PROGRAM, ISSUED: [10/23/2023 2:06:21 PM]. This message describes the procedures to nominate and recommend the temporary promotion of officers to the grade of O3/Captain through O6/Colonel when selected to fill a position on the approved Secretary of the Army (SECARMY) Critical Position List (See paragraph 14 link to Brevet for additional details). The 24-02 cycle Temporary Brevet Promotion Panel is tentatively scheduled to convene in April 2024. The deadline for submission of the DA Form 4187 for nomination to the brevet for the 24-02 cycle is NLT 31 January 2024. 7. FORSCOM WIAS POSITIONS (UPDATED A/O 19 OCT 23). The below hot openings, and others, are listed at the following link.      a. OPERATIONS OFFICER | FORT LIBERTY, N.C. | O-4 | 02A | TS/SCI | JUL 2023.  | 365 DAYS.       b. OPERATIONS PLANNER 2 | CAMP ARIFIJAN, KUWAIT | O-4 | 02A | TS/SCI | SEP 2023 | 365 DAYS.      c. OPERATIONS OFFICER | FORT LIBERTY, N.C. | O-3 | 11A | TS/SCI | OCT 2023 | 365 DAYS.         d. PUBLIC AFFAIRS NCO| CAMP ARIFIJAN, KUWAIT | E-7 |46S | S | OCT 2023 |180 DAYS.  8. ARNG/USAR POSITIONS/JOBS AVAILABLE.  S1NET members have posted the following RC position/job vacancy information.  For a listing of all USAR primary vacancies (updated weekly) visit Units/commands who wish to post vacancies on S1NET may do so by following the instructions posted on the front page of the Job Announcements topic at the following link. Those posts which are in the correct location and which are posted in accordance with the instructions provided will be included in a future S1NET Message Summary.          a. 361ST THEATER PUBLIC AFFAIRS SUPPORT ELEMENT (TPASE) MULTIPLE TPU VACANCIES: E1 THROUGH E7 (MOS 46S/MOS 46Z) AND O1 THROUGH O4 (FUNCTIONAL AREA 46 PUBLIC AFFAIRS), VARIOUS LOCATIONS.      b. HHC, 363RD EN BN TPU VACANCY: PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT - O65D, KNIGHTDALE, NC.      c. AFRICOM ARMY RESERVE ELEMENT, TPU, COL, 35A, CHIEF JOINT OPERATIONS, FT. MEADE, MD.      d. USAREUR-AF M&RA MOBILIZATION NCO, E6-E8, WIESBADEN GERMANY (ADOS).      e. TPU LTC/G1 (42H), HQ 95TH TRAINING DIVISION (IET), FORT SILL, OK.      f. UNITED STATES ARMY 2ND RECRUITING BRIGADE PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT AT MULTIPLE LOCATIONS.

Saturday, September 30, 2023

S1NET Special Message - PCS Move Impacts in FY23

From HRC:  1. To minimize the year-end impacts to FY23 budget obligations Military Personnel Divisions will pause new orders publications until 1 October 2023.  2. Expedited transfers and compassionate assignments will continue to be executed, as will confinement orders, IET orders, separation orders and amendments to PCS orders issued prior to 15 August 2023. 3. No cost moves will continue to be executed. 4. Soldiers with orders originally published between and including 15 August 2023 and 30 September 2023, with report dates of 1 November 2023 and beyond will have their orders deleted/revoked and republished provided they have not already initiated HHG movement (i.e. packing has not started). 5. Soldiers without amendments to their base orders, will have their orders deleted and republished in IPPS-A after 1 October 2023. No action is required of the Soldier. MPDs will only be required to execute final approval in IPPS-A. 6. For Soldiers whose orders were previous amended, a top of the system revocation will be executed and the assignment reinitiated. Upon notification of the assignment re-initiation in IPPS-A, these Soldiers will then be required to complete a new Member Election in IPPS-A before their new orders can be completed. 7. Each impacted Soldier will receive a direct email notifying them of the situation (examples attached at the above link). 8. Soldiers with individual circumstances should be directed to their HRC talent manager. 9. Soldiers’ units of assignments and report dates will not be changed; however, if this situation causes a hardship due to HHG scheduling, especially for Soldiers with report dates in November 2023, installation MPD have the authority to adjust report dates up to 30 days and anything beyond the 30 days, HRC talent managers will have discretion to adjust report dates. 10. If a Soldier is on a housing wait list at their gaining unit, their place will not change. 11. If a Soldier is on a CYS childcare wait list, their place will not change. 12. If a Soldier has previously approved EFMP family members, their status will not change. 13. If a Soldier already has their HHG Shipment scheduled, but packing has not started:       a. For Solders who did not have an amendment to their base order, their shipment date will not have to be canceled, because their order number will not change. The Soldier will simply need to provide a copy of the new orders, with the new publish order date and FY24 fund cite, dated after 1 October 2023 to the transportation office.      b. For Soldiers who previously had an amendment and whose orders had to be revoked, HHG Shipments will be canceled and reinitiated by the transportation office. Every effort will be made to secure the same shipment dates, but in some cases the exact date may not be possible. Soldiers will need to provide a copy of their new orders, with FY24 fund cite, dated after 1 October 2023 to the transportation office.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Army National Guard Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Broadening Opportunities Program (BOP) Announcement

  1. The FY24 broadening opportunities catalog list various military and civilian opportunities available to Army National Guard Soldiers that provide additional education beyond professional military education (enclosure 1). Highly qualified Soldiers are encouraged to apply. Funding availability is outlined in the catalog.

  2. Opportunities include: Command and General Staff College (CGSC) Interagency Fellowship; Association of the U.S. Army (AUSA) Fellowship; Asia-Pacific Center for Securities Studies; Strategic Broadening Seminars (SBS); United Kingdom Intermediate Command and Staff College (ICSC); White House Fellowship; Army Congressional Fellowship; School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS) Preparatory Seminar; Harvard Strategist Program; Defense Strategy Course (DSC); Reserve Component National Security Course (RCNSC); Sergeants Major Academy Fellowship; Strategic Thinkers Program (STP).

  3. States, Territories and Title 10 officers forward applications to the points of contact contained within the BOP catalog.

Broadening Opportunity Catalog (BOP) Announcement FY24.pdf

Monday, July 24, 2023

ArmyIgnitED Important Message



On 1 AUG 2023 ArmyIgnitED will place a stopper/hold for Soldiers who requested Army Federal Tuition Assistance funding for two or more courses if their accounts do not already have a personalized Evaluated Degree Plan (EDP) on file.

  • The EDP must be specific to each individual Soldier student.  Soldiers CANNOT use a generic plan. See attached PDF for details and some example valid EDPs.
  • The EDP must include your name, school name, degree name and a full list of courses you're required to complete to earn your degree.
  • ROTC Soldiers! If you use a CC FORM 104R, you and your professor of military science must sign the form.

Submit your EDP in PDF format by logging into ArmyIgnitED

  • Click MESSAGES


ð    CATEGORY => Tuition Assistance



ð    SEND

Thursday, June 29, 2023

S1NET Message Summary - 6/29/2023

1. FY24 81ST READINESS DIVISION (RD) USAR TPU/IRR SFC NCO EVALUATION BOARD ANNOUNCEMENT. Attached at the following link is the FY24 TPU/IRR SFC NCO Evaluation Board Announcement. The board will convene o/a 1 November 2023 and will review all eligible SFC records in their primary MOS only for the purpose of creating an Order of Merit List (OML) to facilitate a myriad of human resource decisions. Also attached with this announcement is an initial report of NCO’s eligible for consideration by this board.



2. ARMY RESERVE SPECIAL MILITARY OCCUPATIONAL SPECIALTY (MOS) ALIGNMENT PROMOTION PROGRAM (SMAPP), 4 JUN 23. Please see, at following link, the updated Army Reserve Special Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) Alignment Promotion Program (SMAPP) policy signed for immediate use. The checklist and supporting documents are now in the Personnel Actions Guide (PAG) with the detailed workflow.



3. SOLDIER FOR LIFE (SFL) - WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE DO! All Soldiers and Family Members:  Connect with the Soldier for Life (SFL) Directorate to learn about programs and initiatives that directly support the military community. There are thousands of organizations that specifically want to support Soldiers and Military Families. The SFL Directorate wants to help inform you about those organizations and their programs. Visit the following link for more information.






     a. IPPS-A KNOWN ISSUES, 27 JUNE 2023.



     b. IPPS-A COUNCIL OF COLONELS - 28 JUN 2023. Attached is the slide deck for IPPS-A's monthly Council of Colonels meeting that took place on 28 JUN 2023 at 1200ET.



     c. R3 MILPAY USER GUIDE, JUNE 2023. Please find the attached (at following link) MILPAY User Guide; this document will replace Annex B - R3 IPPS-A User Manual.



5. Recently published All Army Activity (ALARACT) messages. New ALARACTs and ADs are also posted on APD at the following link.



     a. ALARACT 049/2023, CALL FOR NOMINATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEARS (FY) 2022 AND 2023 MAJOR GENERAL HAROLD J. GREENE INNOVATION AWARD, DTG: R 281717Z JUN 23. This message provides guidance from Army Futures Command (AFC) in reference to nominations for the Major General Harold J. Greene Innovation Award. Multiple winners will be selected for FY22 and FY23. Winners will be recognized in a combined ceremony in February 2024.



     b. ALARACT 050/2023, THE ARMY PEOPLE SEMINAR FOR ACADEMIC YEAR (AY) 2023-2024, DTG: R 281801Z JUN 23. Purpose. To announce the AY 2023-2024 Army People Seminar and provide application instructions. This professional development seminar will institutionalize the principles of the Army People Strategy. The seminar will meet monthly beginning September 2023 for nine sessions (Thursday evenings or Saturday mornings) to educate high-potential officers, NCOs, Army civilians, and future senior leaders in the art and science of Army Talent Management. This seminar is open to all components: Major to Colonel, Warrant Officer 3-5, GS 13-15, Master Sergeant to Sergeant Major. Suspense for applications is 15 August 2023.



6. Recently published Military Personnel (MILPER) messages and Military Pay Messages.



     a. MILPER MESSAGE 23-239, FY 24 ADJUTANT GENERAL (AG) TRAINING WITH INDUSTRY 24-02 CYCLE, ISSUED: [6/29/2023 10:47:06 AM]. This message announces the procedures for Adjutant General (AG) personnel requesting consideration for a highly competitive AG Training with Industry (TWI) program in FY24. This message pertains only to active component AG Branch 42 series Officers, Warrant Officers, and Noncommissioned Officers (NCOs).



     b. MILPER MESSAGE 23-240, FY24 ACTIVE COMPONENT FUNCTIONAL AREA 52 (FA 52) KEY NOMINATIVE BILLET (KNB) SELECTION PANEL ANNOUNCEMENT, ISSUED: [6/29/2023 12:37:07 PM]. The Active Component Functional Area 52 (FA 52) Key Nominative Billet (KNB) Selection Panel will convene on 07-08 September 2023 and consider eligible Colonels (COL) and promotable Lieutenant Colonels (LTC) for assignment to Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) KNB positions. This is the first iteration of the FA 52 KNB Selection Panel.



     c. MILPER MESSAGE 23-241, TERMINATION OF AUTHORITY TO AWARD THE ARMED FORCES SERVICE MEDAL AND HUMANITARIAN SERVICE MEDAL FOR DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019 OPERATIONS AND ACTIVITIES, ISSUED: [6/29/2023 12:54:02 PM]. This message is to announce the termination of the Armed Forces Service Medal (AFSM) and Humanitarian Service Medal (HSM) for Department of Defense Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) operations and activities. Effective 1 June 2023, the authorization to award the Armed Forces Service Medal and Humanitarian Service Medal to Service members for DoD coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID- 19) operations and activities are terminated. Termination is based on DoD no longer conducting designated or significant COVID-19 operations or activities that warrant continued award.



     d. MILPER MESSAGE 23-243, FISCAL YEAR (FY) 24 ARMY RESERVE TROOP PROGRAM UNIT (TPU) / INDIVIDUAL READY RESERVE (IRR) SERGEANT FIRST CLASS (SFC) NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICER (NCO) EVALUATION BOARD ANNOUNCEMENT, ISSUED: [6/29/2023 2:33:15 PM]. The Army Reserve TPU/IRR Sergeant First Class (SFC) NCO Evaluation Board is scheduled to convene at the 81st Readiness Division (RD) on or about 1 November 2023 to evaluate all USAR TPU / IRR NCOs in the rank of SFC. The board will evaluate the performance and potential of all eligible NCOs for the purpose of creating an order of merit list (OML) to inform a myriad of human resource decisions.



     e. MILPER MESSAGE 23-244, RELEASE OF THE FY24 U.S. ARMY HUMAN RESOURCES COMMAND PROFESSOR OF MILITARY SCIENCE (PMS) CENTRALIZED SELECTION BOARD – (COL/LTC / MAJ), ISSUED: [6/29/2023 3:20:41 PM]. This message announces the release of the results for the FY24 AHRC PMS CSB. The official release date is 6 July 2023, results will be posted to the U.S. Army Human Resources Command website at approximately 0730 (EDT) 6 July 2023.



7. S1NET MEMBER REQUESTS. The following S1NET member requests/questions are pending.  If you can assist, please do so.



     a. ARMY SUPERIOR UNIT AWARD SCRIPT. “Looking to see if anyone has a draft script that covers the awarding of a Superior Unit Award.”



8. FORSCOM WIAS POSITIONS (UPDATED A/O 16 JUN 23). The below hot openings, and others, are listed at the following link.






     b. ARTILLERY FMS CASE MANAGER | BAGHDAD, IRAQ | O-4 | 13A | TS/SCI | AUG 2023 | 365 DAYS.  






9. ARNG/USAR POSITIONS/JOBS AVAILABLE.  S1NET members have posted the following RC position/job vacancy information.  For a listing of all USAR primary vacancies (updated weekly) visit Units/commands who wish to post vacancies on S1NET may do so by following the instructions posted on the front page of the Job Announcements topic at the following link. Those posts which are in the correct location and which are posted in accordance with the instructions provided will be included in a future S1NET Message Summary.   






10.  CIVILIAN JOB ANNOUNCEMENTS. Units/organizations who wish to advertise GS positions, GS 12-15, may post them at the following link on S1NET.  Positions posted per the instructions provided will then be listed once in an S1NET message.