Friday, February 3, 2023

S1NET Message Summary - 2/3/2023

1. FRAGO 38 to HQDA EXORD 225-21, COVID-19 Steady State Operations (CUI), DTG: 021954Z Feb 23. This order implements the Undersecretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (USD(P&R)) memorandum, "Consolidated Department of Defense Coronavirus Disease 2019 Force Health Protection Guidance-Revision 4" dated 30 January 2023 (annex MMMMM). Some key points in this FRAGO:      a. 3.D.15. (U) [Add] Pursuant to Section 7.1 of Annex MMMMM, USD(P&R) has rescinded the prohibition on not fully vaccinated individuals conducting any official travel not deemed mission critical. Effective immediately, not fully vaccinated individuals may conduct any official travel that is appropriate under the Joint Travel Regulations, and not otherwise prohibited by Army regulation or Force Health Protection Guidance Revision 4.      b. 3.D.15.B.3.K. (U) [Change to Read] Soldiers who are flagged in accordance with Annex YYY will not PCS. 2. ADJUTANT GENERAL’S CORPS NATIONAL BALL, 2023, SAVE THE DATE. Please save the date for the Adjutant General’s Corps National Ball, scheduled for Thursday, June 15th, at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center, 1101 Lincoln St., Columbia, SC.  Registration information will be provided at a later date. Also included at the following link are flyers on the National Ball Logo design contest, a Master of Ceremony search, and a call for “How You Serve” photos and videos. 3. ARMY DISASTER PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY AND ASSESSMENT SYSTEM (ADPAAS) DPAPM/COR CERTIFICATION MOBILE TRAINING TEAM (MTT). HQDA G-1 Personnel Contingency Cell (PCC) has reinstituted an ADPAAS Mobile Training Team (MTT) in order to train and certify Army Command Disaster Personnel Accountability Program Managers (DPAPMs) and Command Officer Representatives (CORs). HQDA G-1 PCC is hosting three separate 1-day training events at multiple locations CONUS/OCONUS. We encourage Commands to ensure a DPAPM, and an alternate, and major Command CORs are appointed as soon as possible so personnel are eligible to register for training seats for the course. HQDA G-1 PCC is seeking additional MTT training locations. If your organization is able and willing to host an ADPAAS MTT, please reach out to the HQDA G-1 PCC ADPAAS Team. 4. USAR TPU BOLC REQUEST. From AR TPU Officer Career Mgt Office:  Submit requests for officer enrollment to attend BOLC through an Admin Records Correction Personnel Action Request (PAR), Other-BOLC Enrollment and upload supporting documents which is DA Form 4187 and HRC Accessions Orders. BOLC Enrollments are to be routed in the approval chain to the USARC IMT Officer Management for final approval. 5. (USAR TPU) FEBRUARY 2023 CMO NEWSLETTER. The February 2023 ARCG Career Management Officer Newsletter is attached at the following link. Highlights in this newsletter: Hot Topics - Addresses recent issue related to updated ORBs populating into board files, Deep Dive - WO focused on promotion process from WO1 to WO2, Career Tip of the Month - Focuses on lessons from Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People." 6. USAR AMEDD SYMPOSIUM – PROMOTION BOARD PROCESS - CAREER PROGRESSION – 70B OVERSTRENGTH. Enclosed (at following link) please find the USARC Symposium slides provided by the U.S. Army Human Resources Command Reserve Personnel Management Directorate - Health Services Division. The recording and slides provide a plethora of information regarding USAR promotion board process, current 70B overstrength numbers, career progression, changes to AR 135-155 and excellent resources for the RC Population (AGR/TPU/IRR/IMA). 7. ASK cPEOPLE CAPABILITY AVAILABLE. Ask cPeople research capability is currently offered to all senior leaders and their staff with detailed research and analysis on a variety of people-centric topics that will assist the Senior Leaders in making informed data-driven decisions. Ask cPeople is a short-turn descriptive statistics analysis capability for simple "rates and counts" type of questions. Ask cPeople utilizes the Person-event Data Environment (PDE) to access and compile vast amounts of data to produce targeted reports. The typical turn-around time for each question submitted, when data is readily available, is approximately 72 hours after the question is finalized.  Visit the following link for more information. 8.  IPPS-A ITEMS.      a. IPPS-A "A DAY IN THE LIFE" WEBINAR SERIES - R3 MILPAY PROCESSING PART 1 - 8 FEB 2023. Attached is the CONOP for the IPPS-A "A Day in the Life" Webinar Series - R3 MilPay Processing Part 1. The FMD Training Team will be conducting two sessions on 8 FEB 23 at 1100 ET and 1900 ET. We will have a Deep Dive into how MilPay actions will be processed in IPPS-A conducted by an FMD SME and a conduct Q&A session.      b. IPPS-A "A DAY IN THE LIFE" WEBINAR SERIES - LEADER CAPABILITIES IN IPPS-A, 9 FEB 2023. Attached is the CONOP for the IPPS-A "A Day in the Life" Webinar Series - Leader Capabilities in IPPS-A. The FMD Training Team will be conducting two sessions on 9 FEB 23 at 1100 ET and 1900 ET. Session will cover a Leader's role in IPPS-A and detailing its capabilities:  Roles as Approvals; Delegating Approvals; Tiles, reports, escalations, Alerts vs Actions; Monthly reports/tasks (promotions/awards); and Impacts.      c. IPPS-A EXAMPLE:  ORDERS PRODUCED THROUGH IPPS-A. IPPS-A produces Absence Requests (previously called Leave Requests), Assignment Orders, and Promotion Orders. These replace the legacy paper formats previously produced for validation of Soldiers’ leave dates, PCS moves and promotions. Samples are provided at the following link. 9. Recently published DOD and Army Directives (AD) and All Army Activity (ALARACT) messages. None. New ALARACTs and ADs are also posted on APD at the following link. 10. Recently published Military Personnel (MILPER) messages and Military Pay E-Messages.  All MILPER messages are available on the HRC MILPER web page at All Military Pay E-Messages are available on milBook at      a. MILPER MESSAGE 23-044, CLARIFICATION FOR REQUESTING EXPANDED MILITARY PARENTAL LEAVE PROGRAM (MPLP), ISSUED: [2/1/2023 6:42:59 PM]. The purpose of this message is to provide clarifying guidance for Soldiers using the Integrated Personnel and Pay System-Army (IPPS-A) to request Expanded Military Parental Leave.      b. MILITARY PAY E-MESSAGE # 23-002, SUBJECT: DJMS-RC FEBRUARY 2023 PRODUCTION SCHEDULE. The purpose of this message is to inform all of the DJMS Reserve Component Update Schedule for the process month of February 2023.      c. MILITARY PAY E-MESSAGE # 23-003, SUBJECT: DJMS-AC FEBRUARY 2023 PRODUCTION SCHEDULE. The purpose of this message is to inform all of the DJMS Active Component Update Schedule for the processing month of February 2023.      d. MILITARY PAY E-MESSAGE # 23-005, SUBJECT: DJMS-AC March 2023 Production Schedule. The purpose of this message is to inform all of the DJMS Active Component Update Schedule for the processing month of  March 2023.      e. MILITARY PAY E-MESSAGE # 23-006, SUBJECT: DJMS-RC March 2023 Production Schedule. The purpose of this message is to inform all of the DJMS Reserve Component Update Schedule for the process month of March 2023. 11. S1NET MEMBER REQUESTS. The following S1NET member requests/questions are pending.  If you can assist, please do so.      a. TRAVEL BUDGET TRACKER. “Looking for a good product regarding TDY and travel and to incorporate MS Teams into battle rhythm. To include funding forecasts, budget tracking, requests, due outs for Senior leaders to have easy open access to. Not looking to recreate the wheel but I lost all products and templates and pivot tables from previous assignment. Thank you!”      b. ADVICE FOR NEW STRENGTH MANAGER. “I am going on an ADOS tour as a Strength Manager for the first time. This will be my first time filling an AD slot from Reserves. Can anyone give advice on what to know or study or systems to know before I arrive? This would be for a O-2 slot. I have never been through manning cycles and curious how they work. I appreciate any help.” 12. FORSCOM WIAS POSITIONS (UPDATED A/O 27 JAN 23). Hot openings listed at the following link.       a. ADJUTANT SGM | WIESBADEN CLAY KS | E-9 | 11Z | S | ASAP | 365 DAYS.       b. PETROLEUM TECHNICIAN | WIESBADEN CLAY KS | W-2/3 | 923A | SECRET | ASAP | 365 DAYS.        c. FIELD ARTILLERY, GENERAL | WIESBADEN CLAY KS | O-4/5 | 13A | TS/SCI | ASAP | 365 DAYS.        d.  AVN FMS CASE MANAGER | BAGHDAD | O-4 |15A | S | ASAP | 365 DAYS.  13. ARNG/USAR POSITIONS/JOBS AVAILABLE.  S1NET members have posted the following RC position/job vacancy information.  For a listing of all USAR primary vacancies (updated weekly) visit Units/commands who wish to post vacancies on S1NET may do so by following the instructions posted on the front page of the Job Announcements topic at the following link. Those posts which are in the correct location and which are posted in accordance with the instructions provided will be included in a future S1NET Message Summary.      a. (OC/T UNIT) 1 MCTD, 2ND BDE, TPU, MULTIPLE AVAILABLE POSITIONS (E7,E8,O3,O4), FORT JACKSON, SC.      b. 978TH QM CO, 157TH CSSB, TPU COMPANY COMMANDER VACANCY, NEWTOWN SQUARE, PA.      c. COADOS-CAG CHIEF-O5-59A, USA SMDC, HUNTSVILLE, AL.      d. USAR INSPECTOR GENERAL TPU VACANCIES FEB 23.      e. DEFENSE COUNTERINTELLIGENCE AND SECURITY AGENCY (DCSA) ADOS 01A/00G E5 - O4 FT. MEADE, MD / QUANTICO, VA/ BOYERS, PA / ANDOVER, MA / FARMERS BRANCH, TX / SAN DIEGO, CA.      f. 1173RD DDSB – VACANCIES, LOCATIONS IN FLORIDA.      g. POSITION VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT: G3 AND DEPUTY COMMANDER, 98TH TRAINING DIVISION (IET), FORT BENNING, GA. 14.  CIVILIAN JOB ANNOUNCEMENTS. Units/organizations who wish to advertise GS positions, GS 12-15, may post them at the following link on S1NET.  Positions posted per the instructions provided will then be listed once in an S1NET message.      a. MANAGEMENT AND PROGRAM ANALYST, GS-0343-12, U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, NASHVILLE, TN.      b. OUTREACH COORDINATOR GS-0301-12, US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, NASHVILLE, TN.      c. REVIEW APPRAISER GS-1171-12, U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, NASHVILLE, TN.


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