Sunday, March 26, 2023

S1NET Message Summary - 24 Mar 23

1. 2023 AG CORPS HALL OF FAME (HOF) AND DISTINGUISHED MEMBERS OF THE CORPS (DMOC) INDUCTEES. Colonel Chesley D. Thigpen, Chief of the Adjutant General’s Corps, announces the selections to the AG Corps Hall of Fame (HOF) and the Distinguished Members of the AG Corps (DMOC), Class of 2023. Each of the selectees have made significant positive impacts on the AG Corps, the Army, and our Nation. Hall of Fame Inductees - Class of 2023   •  LTG (R) Thomas C. Seamands •  MG (R) William D. Razz Waff •  COL (R) Angelia Holbrook •  COL (R) James L. Walker        •  CW5 (R) Ronald W. Peterman •  CSM (R) Annette R. Weber   Distinguished Members of the AG Corps - Class of 2023 •  COL (R) Cortez K. Dial •  COL Rebecca L. Eggers •  COL Timothy R. Hickman •  COL Cort J. Hunt •  COL Daryl R. Morse •  COL Marcus A. Motley •  COL Luis “Tony” A. Parilli •  CW5 Sandra M. Albelo •  CW5 William   L. Harshaw •  CW5 Mark W. Hickman •  CW5 James W. Jolly III •  CW5 Ryan Martin Sr. •  CW5 (R) Larry J. Wood •  CW4 Bernard L. Aguon •  CW4 (R) Andrea A. EbanksJoyner •  CW4 Wesley D. Tuchtenhagen •  CW3 Alexandru V. Mircea •  CSM (R) Jeremy Bradford •  SGM Gary A. Krese •  SGM Paul A. Mantha •  SGM DeMickel R. McGrigg •  CSM Siaosi B. Motu’apuaka •  CSM (R) Tammy White-McKnight •  CSM (R) Algrish C. Williams •  CSM Anthony J. Wilson •  Mr. John J. Belme •  Mr. Don A. Bohn 2. PROMOTION RULES – GUIDE FOR FAILED ELIGIBILITY. From the IPPS-A Functional Management Division: There are 40 different rules that are in use across the three components. Of those rules, 29 rules produce error messages for failure. Not all rules are used for every component or grade combination, but this guide is all inclusive such that if you run into a Soldier who is ineligible on the roster, you will know what it means, and know what to do to resolve, if possible. 3. HRC - MILITARY PERSONNEL DIVISION (MPD) FOCUSED TOUCHPOINT AS OF 20230322. The HRC - MPD Touchpoint was initiated to provide a platform to address concerns, disseminate information, communicate, and provide MPD focused training ISO the Army's transition to IPPS-A. View the slides and recording at the following link. 4. FY24 BROADENING OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM (BOP) CATALOG. Please see the attached (at following link) FY24 Broadening Opportunity Program (BOP) Catalog and announcement of programs. The first BOP panel for FY24 will be held 12-15 September 2023. The suspense date to submit a BOP application for the programs listed at the following link is 28 July 2023. 5. IPPS-A QUESTIONS. (Please assist if you can.)      a. TRACK APPROVED ABSENCES. “I am a company commander in a FORSCOM unit. I am struggling to find a way to review absence requests that i have approved. Is there a way to see a table of upcoming approved absences so i can better track my unit?” 6.  IPPS-A ITEMS.      a. IPPS-A "A DAY IN THE LIFE" WEBINAR SERIES - MPD FOCUSED: ELEVATED ACCESS/ASSIGNMENTS/ORDERS PART 2 - 29 MAR 2023. Attached is the CONOP for the IPPS-A "A Day in the Life" Webinar Series - MPD Focused: Elevated Access / Assignments / Orders PART 2. The FMD Training Team will be conducting two sessions on 29 MAR 23 at 1100 ET and 1900 ET. 7. Recently published DOD and Army Directives (AD) and All Army Activity (ALARACT) messages. New ALARACTs and ADs are also posted on APD at the following link.      a. ALARACT 020/2023, LINE OF DUTY REQUIREMENTS AND INTEGRATED DISABILITY EVALUATION SYSTEM REFERRAL MEMORANDUM, DTG: R 231907Z MAR 23. This message replaces ALARACT 021/2022, which is now inactive. This message applies to Army National Guard and United States Army Reserve Soldiers. The purpose of this message is to provide clarification on the need for a line of duty (LOD) determination for reserve component (RC) Soldiers and to clarify Integrated Disability Evaluation System referral memorandum (IDRM) use. 8. Recently published Military Personnel (MILPER) messages and Military Pay Messages.  All MILPER messages are available on the HRC MILPER web page at All Military Pay E-Messages are available on milBook at      a. MILPER MESSAGE 23-103, FISCAL YEAR 24 (FY24) ARMY ACQUISITION CORPS (AAC) COLONEL (COL)/GS-15 AND LIEUTENANT COLONEL (LTC)/GS-14 CENTRALIZED SELECTION LIST (CSL) SLATES PRE-POSITION AND RELEASE, ISSUED: [3/23/2023 7:51:04 AM]. This message formally announces the release of subject Centralized Selection List (CSL) slates. The prepositioning date will be 28 March 2023 for all preposition recipients.  The FY24 CSL slates will be publicly released at 0730 (EST) on 30 March 2022 through the HRC, Command Management Division webpage at      b. MILPER MESSAGE 23-104, FISCAL YEAR 24 (FY24) ARMY COMPETITIVE CATEGORY (ACC) COLONEL (COL) AND LIEUTENANT COLONEL (LTC) CENTRALIZED SELECTION LIST (CSL) SLATE PRE-POSITION AND RELEASE, ISSUED: [3/23/2023 8:05:35 AM]. This message formally announces the release of subject Brigade/Battalion CSL slates. The prepositioning date is 28 March 2023 for all preposition recipients. The FY24 CSL slates will be publicly released at 0730 (EST) on 30 March 2023 through the HRC, Command Management Division web page at      c. MILPER MESSAGE 23-105, FISCAL YEAR 2024 (FY24) COLONEL (COL) AND LIEUTENANT COLONEL (LTC) ARMY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT (AMEDD) CENTRALIZED SELECTION LIST (CSL) SLATE PREPOSITION AND RELEASE, ISSUED: [3/23/2023 8:11:36 AM]. This message formally announces the release of subject CSL slate. The prepositioning date will be 28 March 2023 for all preposition recipients. The FY24 slates will be publicly released at 0730 (EDT) on 30 March 2023 through the HRC, Command Management Division webpage at:      d. MILPER MESSAGE 23-106, RELEASE OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2023 (FY23) ACTIVE COMPONENT (AC), LIEUTENANT COLONEL ARMY COMPETITIVE CATEGORY (ACC), PROMOTION SELECTION BOARDS (PSB), ISSUED: [3/23/2023 12:15:41 PM]. This message announces the release of the results for subject Promotion Selection Boards, (PSB). The Prepositioning Release Date for this boards results will be between 0900-1300 EDT 29 Mar 23. The official promotion list will be released at 0730 hours EDT, 31 Mar 23.      e. MILPER MESSAGE 23-107, RELEASE OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2023 (FY23) ACTIVE COMPONENT (AC), LIEUTENANT COLONEL MEDICAL CORPS AND DENTAL CORPS, PROMOTION SELECTION BOARDS (PSB), ISSUED: [3/23/2023 12:24:39 PM]. This message announces the release of the results for subject Promotion Selection Boards (PSB). The Prepositioning Release Date for this boards results will be between 0900-1300 EDT 28 Mar 23. The official promotion list will be released at 0730 hours EDT, 30 Mar 23.      f. MILPER MESSAGE 23-108, RELEASE OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2023 (FY23) ACTIVE COMPONENT (AC), MAJOR MEDICAL CORPS AND DENTAL CORPS, PROMOTION SELECTION BOARDS (PSB), ISSUED: [3/23/2023 12:30:52 PM]. This message announces the release of the results for subject Promotion Selection Boards (PSB). The Prepositioning Release Date for this board results will be between 0900-1300 EDT 28 Mar 23. The official promotion list will be released at 0730 hours EST, 30 Mar 23.      g. MILPER MESSAGE 23-109, ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE CALENDAR YEAR 2024 (CY24) ARMY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT (AMEDD) STRATEGIC BILLET (SB) ASSIGNMENT INTERACTIVE MODULE (AIM2) SPECIAL MARKETPLACE, ISSUED: [3/23/2023 2:43:47 PM]. This message announces the CY24 AMEDD SB eligibility requirements and marketplace procedures. The CY24 AMEDD SB special marketplace will be held from 1-15 May 2023. The CY24 SB special marketplace consists of billet vacancies from 1 April 2024-30 September 2024.      h. MILPER MESSAGE 23-110, FISCAL YEAR 2023 (FY23) UNITED STATES ARMY RESERVE (USAR) ACTIVE GUARD RESERVE (AGR) RELEASE FROM ACTIVE DUTY (REFRAD) BOARD AS A FORCE ALIGNMENT TOOL, ISSUED: [3/24/2023 8:48:47 AM]. This message provides procedural guidance for the FY23 USAR AGR REFRAD board which convenes on or about 17 July 2023. The board will consider all Army Reserve AGR (AR AGR) Army Promotion List (APL) competitive category Colonels (COL) and Lieutenant Colonels (LTC) who meet the eligibility requirements outlined in this message.      i. MILPER MESSAGE 23-111, FISCAL YEAR 2023 (FY23), RESERVE COMPONENT (RC), COLONEL (COL), JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL CORPS (JAGC), ARMY RESERVE ACTIVE GUARD RESERVE (AR AGR), AND ARMY RESERVE NON-ACTIVE GUARD RESERVE (AR NON-AGR) COMPETITIVE CATEGORIES, PROMOTION SELECTION BOARD (PSB) ZONES OF CONSIDERATION, ISSUED: [3/24/2023 9:04:15 AM]. Subject promotion selection board will convene on or about 21 Jun 23, to consider eligible JAGC, Lieutenant Colonels (LTC) on the Reserve Active Status List (RASL) for promotion to Colonel (COL). The board will recess on or about 30 Jun 23.      j. MILPER MESSAGE 23-112, FISCAL YEAR 2023 (FY23), RESERVE COMPONENT (RC), LIEUTENANT COLONEL (LTC), JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL CORPS (JAGC), ARMY RESERVE ACTIVE GUARD RESERVE (AR AGR), AND ARMY RESERVE NON-ACTIVE GUARD RESERVE (AR NON-AGR) COMPETITIVE CATEGORIES, PROMOTION SELECTION BOARD (PSB) ZONES OF CONSIDERATION, ISSUED: [3/24/2023 9:41:11 AM]. Subject promotion selection board will convene on or about 21 Jun 23, to consider eligible JAGC, Majors (MAJ) on the Reserve Active Status List (RASL) for promotion to LTC. The board will recess on or about 30 Jun 23.      k. MILPER MESSAGE 23-113, IMPLEMENTATION GUIDANCE FOR DIRECT APPOINTMENT AND DIRECT COMMISSION OF CERTAIN WARRANT OFFICERS, ISSUED: [3/24/2023 11:33:16 AM]. To meet accession requirements for warrant officer branches, the Army Directive expands opportunities for direct appointment to warrant officer one (WO1) or direct commission to chief warrant officer two (CW2) for Soldiers who qualify for warrant officer appointment and selection by a warrant officer selection board. This new policy provides the Army with the ability to shortening the timeline from selection to first unit of assignment, lengthening the lifecycle of warrant officer service and improves retention at CW3 and higher.      l. MILPER MESSAGE 23-114, ACADEMIC YEAR 2024-2025 U.S. ARMY COMBINED ARMS SUPPORT COMMAND VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY, MASTER OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT ADVANCED CIVILIAN SCHOOLING PROGRAM, ISSUED: [3/24/2023 11:43:38 AM]. This message announces the procedures for Logistics (LG) Officers requesting consideration for the highly competitive academic year (AY) 2024-2025 Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Master of Supply Chain Management (MSCM) Program.      m. MILPER MESSAGE 23-115, PROGRAM YEAR 2024-2025 LOGISTICS BRANCH TRAINING WITH INDUSTRY PROGRAMS, ISSUED: [3/24/2023 11:46:19 AM]. This message announces the procedures for Logistics (LG) Officers requesting consideration for participating in the highly competitive Training With Industry (TWI) partnerships managed by Logistics Branch. Logistics Branch manages two TWI opportunities, one each with FEDEX Express and Deloitte.      n. MILPER MESSAGE 23-116, UNITED STATES ARMY WARRANT OFFICER SELECTION BOARD RESULTS MARCH 2023, ISSUED: [3/24/2023 1:06:01 PM].      o. MILPER MESSAGE 23-117, UNITED STATES ARMY RESERVE (USAR) WARRANT OFFICER SELECTION BOARD RESULTS MARCH 2023, ISSUED: [3/24/2023 1:12:25 PM]. 9. FORSCOM WIAS POSITIONS (UPDATED A/O 17 MAR 23). Hot openings listed at the following link.  10. ARNG/USAR POSITIONS/JOBS AVAILABLE.  S1NET members have posted the following RC position/job vacancy information.  For a listing of all USAR primary vacancies (updated weekly) visit Units/commands who wish to post vacancies on S1NET may do so by following the instructions posted on the front page of the Job Announcements topic at the following link. Those posts which are in the correct location and which are posted in accordance with the instructions provided will be included in a future S1NET Message Summary.      a. 19TH SFG(A) M-DAY CSM, CAMP WILLIAMS, UT.      b. THE UNITED STATES ARMY FIELD BAND, FORT MEADE, MD:  VACANCY FOR MOTION GRAPHICS DESIGNER.  APPLICATION DEADLINE:  8 MAY 2023.  THIS ACTIVE DUTY POSITION IS OPEN TO ACTIVE DUTY, USAR, AND ARNG PERSONNEL.      c. HQ, 3RD BDE, 95TH DIV (BEAVER DAM, WI), TPU, E7/00G4Q, EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ADVISOR (EOA) VACANCY.      d. AGR VACANCY MEANG 11TH CST SURVEY TEAM MEMBER, SGT, WATERVILLE, ME.      e. USARC G-1 HSB, MULTIPLE ADOS-RC POSITIONS, ENL 68 SERIES / OFF 66 SERIES, FT BRAGG, NC. 11.  CIVILIAN JOB ANNOUNCEMENTS. Units/organizations who wish to advertise GS positions, GS 12-15, may post them at the following link on S1NET.  Positions posted per the instructions provided will then be listed once in an S1NET message.      a. FORT BELVOIR INSTALLATION MANAGEMENT COMMAND DIRECTORATE, VACANT GS-0801-13, ENERGY MANAGER.

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