Saturday, March 4, 2023

S1NET Message Summary - 3 Mar 23

1. HRC - G1/S1 TOUCHPOINT, A/O 20230301. The HRC - G1/S1 touchpoint was initiated to provide a platform for G1/S1’s to directly communicate with Human Resources Command (HRC) professionals and the Functional Management Division IPPS-A team (FMD). A video of this session, and briefing slides, are available at the following link. 2. SELECTION OF NEXT TRADOC G-1/4 SGM. From the Army G-1 SGM, SGM Christopher (Smoke) Stevens: "On behalf of the Sergeant Major of the Army, Command Sergeant Major Javier SolivanRodriguez, Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, I Corps, Joint Base Lewis-McCord, WA, has been selected as the Sergeant Major, Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) G1/4, Fort Eustis, VA." Please pass on your congratulations to Javier and his Spouse Brenda. CSM Solivan’s biography is attached at the following link. 3. “MY ARMY PCS” APP. From the Army G-4: In 2020, the Army G-4 launched the first official Army PCS Move app with the intent of helping answer Soldiers, Civilians, and spouses' questions about PCS and shipment of household goods.  It is a free knowledge-based – interactive tool that allows users to become familiar with the PCS process, understand their entitlements and watch videos to improve their move experience. In 2022, the Army G-4 redesigned the Army PCS Move app and renamed it the "My Army PCS App." The My Army PCS app has a wealth of information for users: the different types of moves, how to plan, prepare and organize their move, understand claims, the latest transportation changes, and a virtual call center with live agents to assist with any questions. View the My Army PCS App video at the following link on S1NET. 4. CHIEF OF ARMY RESERVE POLICY #23-04: ACTIVE GUARD RESERVE (AGR) CONDITIONAL RELEASE POLICY, 10 FEB 23. This memorandum provides guidance for processing AGR Soldiers’ request for conditional release (Department of Defense (DD) Form 368) to join the Regular Army, Army National Guard, or other components of the Armed Forces. 5. FY23 USAR SELECTED RESERVE INCENTIVE PROGRAM (SRIP) CHANGE 1, EFFECTIVE 3 MARCH 2023. The FY23 USAR SRIP Change 1 effective 3 March 2023 is now available at the following link. 6. ARMY TALENT MANAGEMENT TASK FORCE (ATMTF) SITREP, 1 MAR 23. 7. SOLDIER FOR LIFE (SFL) INSIGHTS IS HERE! SFL Insights is a quarterly newsletter published by Soldier For Life that shares information and resources on employment, education, health and wellness, and other important topics with Soldiers, Veterans, and their Families. It keeps you informed about our community outreach activities that connect the Army and organizations across the country that support our Soldiers, Veterans, and Army Families. SFL Insights also highlights our efforts to help shape policies and programs that benefit our military and veteran communities. 8. IPPS-A QUESTIONS. (Please assist if you can.)      a. PAR - "MORE INFORMATION" CONSOLIDATED TEMPLATE. Do you know if there is a consolidated "More Information" template guide. An example of what I am looking for is a PowerPoint or PDF that is a 1 page template of what you need to add to the PAR "More Information" section by action. So if you have a HSS you need this, if you submit a UQR you this, ect.      b. IPPS-A STP UPDATES TO AIM 2.0. We have received several questions from personnel regarding updates to their AIM 2.0 Resume for the 24-01 ATAP Marketplace. Once updates are made to the SM's Solider Talent Profile (STP), will the updates be reflected on the AIM 2.0 Resume? 9.  IPPS-A ITEMS.      a. HRC MASTER WORKFLOW TEMPLATE - USER-DEFINED LIST (UDL), A/O 03 MAR 23. Please see the attached (at following link) for the latest version of HRC's Master Workflow Template - UDL List. 10. BRANCH/COMMAND ITEMS.      a. XVIII AIRBORNE CORPS G-1 INTER-POST TRANSFER (IPT) PROCESS / STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES (SOP). With the implementation of IPPS-A, the XVIII Airborne Corps G-1 has updated procedures to streamline the Inter-Post Transfer (IPT) process. Please see attached (at following link) IPT Process and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for XVIII Airborne Corps that will go into effect 13 March 2023. 11. NEW/REVISED PUBLICATIONS. The following new/revised ARs, DA Pams, ADPs, ADRPs, ATPs, ATTPs, and FMs have been published on the APD website during the past month. If the links provided do not work for you, go to the APD website at the following link and use the search function to look for the new edition.      a. AR 1-15, 02/16/2023, Civilian Aides to The Secretary of the Army.      b. AR 37-64, 02/15/2023, Finance and Accounting for Sensitive Mission Funding (C).      c. AR 600-43, 02/22/2023, Conscientious Objection.      d. AR 750-1, 02/2/2023, Army Materiel Maintenance Policy.      e. ATP 3-57.30, 02/6/2023, Civil Network Development and Engagement.      f. DA PAM 600-46, 02/22/2023, Processing Applicants for Conscientious Objection.      g. DA PAM 700-145, 02/21/2023, Item Unique Identification Procedures.      h. DA PAM 750-1, 02/2/2023, Army Materiel Maintenance Procedures. 12. Recently published DOD and Army Directives (AD) and All Army Activity (ALARACT) messages. New ALARACTs and ADs are also posted on APD at the following link.      a. ALARACT 017/2023, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY GUIDANCE FOR MANAGEMENT OF CONCUSSION/MILD TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY, DTG: R 021302Z MAR 23. This message outlines updated procedures for Servicemembers, leaders and Army medical personnel (to include uniformed, civilian, and contractor staff) detailing training and education requirements, MTBI tools, and management processes when servicemembers are involved in potentially concussive Events (PCES). This ALARACT incorporates and supersedes HQDA EXORD 165–13. This ALARACT applies to Army Commands, Army Service Component Commands, Direct Reporting Units, and Army Agencies, to include Army healthcare personnel, readiness and training units, and operations. 13. Recently published Military Personnel (MILPER) messages and Military Pay Messages.  All MILPER messages are available on the HRC MILPER web page at All Military Pay E-Messages are available on milBook at      a. MILPER MESSAGE 23-067, AMENDMENT #2 TO FISCAL YEAR 2024 (FY24) WARRANT OFFICER APPLICATIONS FOR ACTIVE DUTY AND RESERVE VETERINARY CORPS (VC) FOOD SAFETY OFFICER (MOS 640A), ISSUED: [3/2/2023 9:32:17 AM]. Paragraph 10.h. is rescinded and replaced to read: Original DD form 2808 (Report of Medical Examination), DD form 2807-1 (Report of Medical History), HIV test and drug and alcohol test (DAT), completed on/after 1 January 2023. The reviewing medical authority must indicate that the applicant meets the medical standards for qualification for appointment as a Warrant Officer under chapter 2, AR 40-501.      b. MILPER MESSAGE 23-068, FISCAL YEAR 2024 (FY24) NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICER LEADERSHIP CENTER OF EXCELLENCE (NCOLCOE) AND THE SERGEANTS MAJOR ACADEMY (SGM-A) FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM COHORT 10, ISSUED: [3/2/2023 10:06:01 AM]. The FY24 Noncommissioned Officer Leadership Center of Excellence (NCOLCoE) and the Sergeants Major Academy (SGM-A) Fellowship Program Cohort 10 Selection Panel will Convene 11 - 22 September 2023 at Fort Bliss, Texas to identify the best qualified list for final selection of Fellows. The deadline for submitting applications is 14 August 2023.      c. MILPER MESSAGE 23-069, IMPLEMENTATION OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY BONUS (FLPB) PAY BY MODALITY TABLE AND REQUIREMENTS FOR NEW FLPB WRITTEN AGREEMENT, ISSUED: [3/2/2023 11:04:15 AM]. The Army DCS G-2 is implementing the new Pay by Modality table authorized by reference effective 1 March 2023.  The new FLPB rates are not retroactive. The maximum monthly FLPB rate will not exceed $1000 for single or multiple languages regardless of proficiency levels achieved. Soldiers who have a current FLPB Written Agreement affected by the new rates need to enter into a new Written Agreement.  The effective date on the new written agreement will be 01 March 2023.      d. MILPER MESSAGE 23-070, JOINT MERITORIOUS UNIT AWARD TO THE JOINT STAFF AND THE CHAIRMAN’S CONTROLLED ACTIVITIES, ISSUED: [3/2/2023 2:13:43 PM]. This message announces the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has awarded the Joint Meritorious Unit Award (JMUA) for exceptionally meritorious service to The Joint Staff, to include the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the following Chairman’s Controlled Activities: Joint Requirements Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Defense, Joint Center for International Security Force Assistance, Joint Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Operations Center, Joint Information Operations Warfare Center, National Defense University, and the Joint Personnel Recovery Agency, during the period 2 August 2019 to 1 November 2022.      e. MILPER MESSAGE 23-071, MILITARY OUTSTANDING VOLUNTEER SERVICE MEDAL, ISSUED: [3/2/2023 2:17:30 PM]. This message announces the updated requirements to qualify for the award of the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal (MOVSM). Effective immediately, the condition stating volunteer service performed while deployed to a combat theater is not authorized and has been removed from current Army policy.      f. MILPER MESSAGE 23-072, FISCAL YEAR 2023 (FY23), RESERVE COMPONENT (RC) CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER THREE (CW3), AND CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER FOUR (CW4), ARMY RESERVE ACTIVE GUARD RESERVE (AR AGR) AND ARMY RESERVE NON-ACTIVE GUARD RESERVE (AR NON-AGR), COMPETITIVE CATEGORIES (CC), PROMOTION SELECTION BOARDS (PSB) ZONES OF CONSIDERATION, ISSUED: [3/2/2023 5:44:38 PM]. Mandatory Department of the Army (DA) promotion selection boards will convene on or about 11 Apr 23, to consider eligible Chief Warrant Officer Two (CW2) and Chief Warrant Officer Three (CW3) for promotion to CW3 and CW4. The boards will recess on or about 21 Apr 23.      g. MILPER MESSAGE 23-073, FISCAL YEAR 2023 (FY23), RESERVE COMPONENT (RC) CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER FIVE (CW5), ARMY RESERVE ACTIVE GUARD RESERVE (AR AGR) AND ARMY RESERVE NON-ACTIVE GUARD RESERVE (AR NON-AGR), COMPETITIVE CATEGORIES (CC), PROMOTION SELECTION BOARD (PSB) ZONES OF CONSIDERATION, ISSUED: [3/2/2023 5:47:29 PM]. A Mandatory Department of the Army (DA) promotion selection boards will convene on or about 11 Apr 23, to consider eligible Chief Warrant Officers Four (CW4) for promotion to CW5. The board will recess on or about 21 Apr 23.      h. MILPER MESSAGE 23-074, FISCAL YEAR 2023 (FY23) RESERVE COMPONENT (RC), CAPTAIN (CPT), ARMY PROMOTION LIST (APL), ARMY NATIONAL GUARD OF THE UNITED STATES (ARNGUS), ARMY RESERVE ACTIVE GUARD RESERVE (AR AGR), AND ARMY RESERVE NON-ACTIVE GUARD RESERVE (AR NON-AGR), COMPETITIVE CATEGORIES, PROMOTION SELECTION BOARD (PSB) ZONES OF CONSIDERATION, ISSUED: [3/2/2023 5:53:50 PM]. The mandatory Department of the Army (DA) promotion selection board will convene on or about 25 Apr 23, to consider eligible APL 1LTs on the Reserve Active Status List (RASL) for promotion to CPT. The board will recess on or about 5 May 23. 14. FORSCOM WIAS POSITIONS (UPDATED A/O 3 MAR 23). Hot openings listed at the following link.       a. JOPES PLANNER | WIESBADEN CLAY KS | O-4/5 | 90A | TS/SCI | ASAP | 365 DAYS.           b. U 4 LOGISTICS CHIEF MALI| BAMAKO | O-5 |90A | S | ASAP |180 DAYS.        c. JOPES ANALYST | ARIFJAN | W-2/3 |882A | S | ASAP |365 DAYS.         d. MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR | STUTTGART | E-7 |91X | S | ASAP | 365 DAYS.  15. ARNG/USAR POSITIONS/JOBS AVAILABLE.  S1NET members have posted the following RC position/job vacancy information.  For a listing of all USAR primary vacancies (updated weekly) visit Units/commands who wish to post vacancies on S1NET may do so by following the instructions posted on the front page of the Job Announcements topic at the following link. Those posts which are in the correct location and which are posted in accordance with the instructions provided will be included in a future S1NET Message Summary.      a. 416TH THEATER ENGINEER COMMAND, TPU/USAR, MAJ/12A, DIRECT COMMISION PROGRAM MANAGER, FORT LEONARD WOOD, MO.      b. 416TH CA BN (A) USACAPOC, TPU, CPT/42B S1 OIC, E8/38B FIRST SERGEANT, FALLBROOK, CA.      c. C CO 1/189TH AVN - SDARNG - E5/68W2F - M-DAY POSITION VACANCY - RAPID CITY, SD.      d. 160TH MP BN, TPU, MAJ/ 31A, EXECUTIVE OFFICER, TALLAHASSEE, FL.      e. OPERATIONS OPENING - FORSCOM G33, MAJ/01A, 365 DAY TOUR, FT BRAGG, NC.      f. (TPU) VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT, 11TH EXPEDITIONARY COMBAT AVIATION BRIGADE (ECAB), FIRST SERGEANT (1SG)/FORT CARSON, CO. 16.  CIVILIAN JOB ANNOUNCEMENTS. Units/organizations who wish to advertise GS positions, GS 12-15, may post them at the following link on S1NET.  Positions posted per the instructions provided will then be listed once in an S1NET message.      a. JOINT FORCES HEADQUARTERS - DODIN, GG-2210-13  IT CYBERSECURITY SPECIALIST (NETWORK/INFOSEC 2210), FT MEADE, MD.      b. FT BELVOIR INSTALLATION MANAGEMENT COMMAND DIRECTORATE, VACANT GS-0401-12, ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST.      c. FT BELVOIR INSTALLATION MANAGEMENT COMMAND DIRECTORATE, VACANT GS-0801-14, SUPERVISORY GENERAL ENGINEER.

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