Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Russian Operations Assessment 24JAN2024

Key Takeaways: 
• A Russian Il-76 military transport aircraft crashed in Belgorod Oblast on January 24. 
• Russian information space actors are seizing on the Il-76 crash to sow domestic discontent in Ukraine and undermine Western will to continue giving military support to Ukraine. 
• Russian law enforcement authorities are codifying xenophobic profiling methods suggesting that migrants are predisposed to criminal activity against the backdrop of continued conflicts between Russian citizens and naturalized migrants. 
• The Ukrainian Main Military Intelligence Directorate (GUR) reported that Ukrainian hackers recently conducted cyberattacks on Russian intelligence and communications infrastructure. 
• NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated during the 18th Ukraine Defense Contact Group at Ramstein Air Base in Germany that recent Russian missile strikes against Ukraine underscore the need to strengthen Ukraine’s air defenses. 
• Russian and Chadian officials met in Moscow on January 24, suggesting that Chad may be the Kremlin’s next target among former French colonies on the African continent. 
• The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) controlled Africa Corps published photos on January 24 claiming to show Africa Corps personnel arriving in Burkina Faso. 
• NATO announced on January 24 that the Steadfast Defender 2024 exercises have started and will run until May 31, 2024. 
• Positional engagements continued throughout the theater. • Chechen Republic Head Ramzan Kadyrov continues efforts to bolster the reputation of Chechen forces. 
• Russian occupation authorities are setting conditions to coerce voter turnout in the upcoming March 2024 presidential elections.


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