Tuesday, February 27, 2024

MGIB Kicker-Do You Have One?


We are not processing as many Kickers as we should, and we should remedy this. $350 for 36 months can go further than you think.  

Montgomery GI Bill - Selected Reserve Kicker (Overview)

The Montgomery GI Bill – Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR) Kicker is an educational assistance supplement that is available to promote accessions and retention in the SELRES to those members serving in critical specialties, skills, or units. Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) Guidance Counselors (GC) issue NPS Kickers through the Guidance Counselor Resource Center (GCRC). The State GI Bill Manager as approver is not authorized to issue Kickers. PS Kickers are issued by a GC at MEPS or by a Reserve Component Career Counselor (RCCC). Kickers for currently serving members are processed by unit authorized personnel only. Authorized unit personnel issue Kickers through GIMS. The MGIB-SR Kicker provides an educational allowance in addition to the GI Bill basic benefit. Title 10 U.S.C., Section 16131 and DoDI 1322.17 authorizes the MGIB-SR Kicker.  

  • A Service Member (SM) may receive MGIB-SR Kicker payments for up to 36 months or until MGIB-SR or MGIB-AD eligibility is exhausted, whichever comes first.
  • The Kicker is paid along with GI Bill payments. It is not a stand-alone benefit!
  • The Kicker contract can be found in your military record = IPERM. If the Kicker contract is not in your file, you must contact your recruiter or MEPS station.
  • Changes to your MOS, unit, or Rank, could impact your eligibility.   


Who is Eligible?

A SM who has not previously established eligibility for a MGIB-SR Kicker in any Reserve Component.

A SM who is currently eligible or is establishing eligibility for MGIB-SR or MGIB-AD 

A SM who enlists, reenlists, or extends an enlistment to commit to a six-year service obligation. (A SM who has six or more years remaining until their Expiration Term of Service (ETS) does not need to extend). The SM must have a concurrent six-year service obligation from the effective date of the MGIB-SR Kicker contract. 

Before receiving payment, the SM must complete:(1) The requirements for a secondary school diploma or an equivalency certificate (Tier 1 or Tier 2).(2) MOS or Area of Concentration (AOC) branch qualification.

(3) The SM must apply with the Department of Veterans Affairs to apply to use the benefit. This process must be done by the individual and not a third-party member or school official.

Once the SM meets all the requirements, MGIB-SR Kicker eligibility is established.


Prior Service - $350

(1) ASVAB/Armed Forces Classification Test (AFCT) TSC I-IIIA (50 or above).(2) Grade E7 or below.(3) Duty Military Occupational Specialty Qualified (DMOSQ) in contracted MOS.(4) If enlisting from a branch of service other than Army, meet the requirements to be awarded the contracted MOS at the time of enlistment/affiliation. Eligibility will not be established until coded DMOSQ in IPPS-A.

Non-Prior Service - $350

(1) Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Test Score Category (TSC) I-IIIA (50 or above).(2) Possess a high school diploma or equivalent (Education Tier Level 1 or 2).(3) Enlisting into a critical skill or unit. A critical skill or unit is any MOS in a MTOE or authorized TDA unit IAW current SRIP policy scored as an AUVS Tier Level 1-7 position.(4) Includes Civilian Acquired Skills Program (CASP) or Split-Training Option. Does not include Glossary NPS.(5) The following criteria applies to applicants enlisting under the Foreign Language Recruiting Initiative (FLRI):(a) Must be assigned MOS 09C.(b) Must attend and complete English language training.(c) Must retest on the AFCT and achieve a score of 50 or above prior to shipping to basic combat training.(d) Must enlist into a critical skill or unit.

(e) If the applicant does not achieve a score of 50 or higher on the AFCT, the Kicker will be invalidated. FLRI enlistees whose Kickers are invalidated may still be eligible to contract for the Reenlistment (RE) Kicker upon meeting the requirements in paragraph c below. 

Reenlistment - $350

(1) Must have completed three consecutive years of service in the ARNG.Soldiers who do not have three consecutive years of service in the ARNG may reenlist for the MGIB-SR Kicker up to one year prior to their ETS date, however, the effective date of the Kicker will not be until the Soldier has completed three years and the Soldier must have six years remaining on their enlistment contract.(2) Have not completed more than 14 total years of service at the time of signing the addendum.(3) ASVAB or Armed Forces Classification Test (AFCT) TSC I-IIIA (50 or above).(4) Grade E7 or below.(5) DMOSQ in contracted MOS.

Standard Officer (SOK) - $350

(1) Accept commission into the ARNG regardless of commissioning source. All officers who have not previously contracted for a Kicker are eligible for the SOK, including Direct Commissioned Officers and Officers without a bachelor’s degree.(2) Sign a DA Form 5447 Officer Service Agreement (OSA), agreeing to remain in the ARNG for six years.(3) Complete the NGB Form 5435 on the same date as the DA 5447, and no later than one year after commissioning or recommissioning (Note: recommissioning must have been into a different area of concentration and/or branch).

(4) The Officer must complete the requirements for Branch Qualification before being eligible to receive payment. 

Officer Candidate School (OCS) - $350

(1) Have completed IADT and been awarded an enlisted MOS.(2) Enrolled into the OCS program and been awarded 09S MOS.(3) Have not commissioned.(4) Complete the DA 4836 and NGB Form 5435.(5) The Candidate must complete OCS and accept a commission in the ARNG to retain this incentive. 

Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) - $350

(1) Have completed IADT and been awarded an enlisted MOS.(2) Enrolled into the ROTC program and been awarded 09R MOS.(3) Have not received a ROTC Scholarship under Title 10, Section 2107.(4) Have not commissioned.(5) Complete a Simultaneous Membership Program Agreement (NGB Form 594-1) and ROTC Cadet Contract (DA Form 597 Series).(6) Complete the DA 4836 and NGB Form 5435.(7) The Cadet must complete ROTC and accept a commission in the ARNG to retain this incentive. 

Warrant Officer Candidate (WOC) - $350

(1) Have completed IADT and been awarded an enlisted MOS.(2) Entered the WOC program and been awarded 09W MOS.(3) Have not commissioned.(4) Complete the DA 4836 and NGB Form 5435.(5) The Candidate must complete Warrant Officer Candidate School and accept a position as a warrant officer in the ARNG to retain this incentive.

Officer Supplemental (Bump-Up) - $350 - This Kicker is not a new Kicker contract; it is a rate increase for an existing MGIB-SR Kicker issued at a lower amount to increase the rate to $350.

(1) SM must have established eligibility and be currently eligible for an Accessions or Current Guard Kicker at the $100 or $200 rate.(2) Enter either the OCS, ROTC, or WOC Officer Commissioning Program or accept a commission in the ARNG.(3) Awarded 09S (OCS), 09R (ROTC), or 09W (WOC) as Duty MOS.(4) Sign the MGIB-SR Kicker Supplemental addendum (NGB Form 5435-1) no later than one year after commissioning.(5) If the SM has completed the six-year obligation for the original MGIB-SR Kicker, no additional service is required.(6) If the SM has not completed the six-year obligation, the SM must complete the balance of the obligation to retain the higher Officer Supplemental rate. An OSA is not required.(7) The Officer Candidates must complete the Commissioning Program and accept commission in the ARNG to retain the higher Supplemental rate.

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