Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Unit 12 Quiz: Wildland Urban Interface | S-130 Firefighter Training (Online Component) 2008 v2

  1. Safety concerns and hazards while working in the wildland/urban interface are
    • different from hazards on a normal wildland fire.

  2. Identify THREE key foundational principles to follow, especially during incidents in the wildland/urban interface.
    • Establish good communications with all involved agencies
    • Understand your safety is first priority
    • Determine your place in the chain of command

  3. Identify FOUR “Watch-Out!” situations that apply specifically to fighting fires in the wildland/urban interface.
    • Poor roads
    • Inadequate water supply
    • Natural fuels 30 feet (9 m) or closer to structures
    • Panic during evacuation

  4. Structure defense adds a whole new dimension to wildland fire fighting. Match each wildland/urban interface “Watch-out!” with the MOST appropriate caution.
    • Can be complicated by power outages → Inadequate water supply
    • Can push flame angle closer fuels → Strong winds
    • Requires mobility and flexibility in the fire fighting effort → Extreme fire behavior
    • Don’t apply a straight water stream near it → Downed power lines
    • Can be complicated by lack of training → Panic during an evacuation

  5. Roads and traffic management can become a critical issue when fighting fires in the interface. Identify FOUR road and traffic related problems you are likely to encounter.
    • Private roads and driveways with only one way in
    • Steep roads that are poor barriers to a spreading fire
    • Roads with washouts, washboards, and large potholes
    • Fire vehicles exceeding the bridge weight limits

  6. Identify TWO ways to reduce a structure’s vulnerability to ignition and limit potential fire spread.
    • Check eaves, roof, roof vents, and decks for smoldering or flames
    • Remove combustible furniture from decks and place them inside structure

  7. Structure fires can be deadly, but there are tell-tale signs pointing to trouble. Identify THREE structure situations you should avoid at ALL times. 
    • Bulging windows with an unventilated roof
    • Smoked-over or blackened windows
    • Roofs that are over 25 percent enflamed during windy conditions

  8. In the wildland/urban interface, hazardous materials pose a threat to your safety because of their flammability or toxicity. Identify FOUR precautions to take when you suspect hazardous materials are present at an incident.  
    • Mark off area with flagging material or other warning devices
    • Post a lookout
    • Keep your supervisor informed of hazards
    • Avoid breathing toxic fumes

  9. Extreme fire behavior has caused major losses of life and property in the interface. Identify THREE contributing factors to extreme fire behavior.
    • Dry and plentiful fuels
    • Unstable atmosphere
    • Eye level wind speed greater than 15 miles per hour (24 km/hour)

  10. For threatened structures in the wildland/urban interface, certain assessments have to be made. Match each assessment criteria with a PRIMARY factor it attempts to determine.
    • Fire fighting tactics → Whether to attack directly, indirectly, or not at all
    • Structure distribution  → What structures might be saved
    • Estimated time the will hit → When to escape to safety zone

  11. Match each tactic you may use in protecting structures in the interface with the proper description.
    • Hopeless situation → Abandoning fire fighting efforts and retreating to safety zone
    • Direct attack → Attacking the fire at the burning edge before it arrives
    • Indirect attack → Controlling the fire with a fireline

  12. There are three tactical modes for fires in the wildland/urban interface. Match each category with an appropriate tactic.
    • Offensive mode → Fight the fire before it reaches the structure
    • Combined mode → Hold the fire to reduce number of structures threatened
    • Defensive mode → Keep the structure from burning

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