Friday, August 23, 2024

ARNG FA59 Accessions and Pre-BSAP

Post-KD CPTs and junior MAJs considering a career change are invited to explore Functional Area 59, Strategist. The ARNG accesses 6 candidates per year into the T10 AGR program as FA59s. This is an exciting and challenging career field, with opportunities to influence senior leaders (up to and including DARNG, as well as HQDA and OSD senior leaders) and help shape the ARNG's direction. The first step is to enroll in ARNG's Pre-BSAP course, an intensive one-week immersion experience designed to expose candidates to the FA59 career field and prepare candidates to pass the Basic Strategic Art Program (BSAP), the Army’s FA59 qualification course. Top performers in the class are offered a spot on the ARNG BSAP OML and enter the ARNG FA59 accession pipeline. The ARNG G5 will host the Fall 2023 Pre-BSAP class from 23-27 October at Fort Belvoir, VA. Interested parties should reach out to the ARNG FA59 accessions team at or 703-601-2264. See attachments for more details.


Pre-BSAP Pamphlet.pdf

FY24 Fall Pre-BSAP Course LOI.pdf

FA59 Brochure - 20200312.pdf


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