The ARNG is looking for well-qualified senior Captains and junior Majors to apply for the AY25-26 Harvard Strategist and Strategic Education (HSSE) Program. The program is one of two pathways for ARNG officers to transition into Functional Area 59 (FA59, Army Strategist). The ARNG requests at least one applicant per State, Territory, the District of Columbia, and the Title 10 program. Selected officers pursue, at government expense, a Mid-Career Master of Public Administration degree at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government (or an alternate HQDA-approved program), and then complete a three-year utilization tour in the DC area with anticipated transition to T10 AGR. Interested officers must submit applications NLT 12 April 2024. Application instructions and program details are contained in Enclosure 1 (Application instructions).
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