Friday, August 23, 2024

Guard to Active Duty


By chance would anyone know where to begin to have a soldier start a conditional release from the guard. Service member has already been in the active service for over a year now and assigned to our unit.



Answer 1

I don't believe you need one.  Just go see an active duty recruiter.

Answer 2

Soldier needs to request release from his state’s national guard.

Answer 3

You can do it 1 of 2 ways:

They will need a DD 368:  Request for conditional release

1) Go to the Recruiter of the Branch you are trying to go into and they will start the process.


2) Have them go to their admin clerk to do a conditional release.  Guard has to be released by the state and it could take some months but if they start the process, it gets the ball rolling.

Answer 4

The SM needs to talk to a recruiter. Once the DD 368 for conditional release is approved they will need to go to the MEPS where they will dep out of the guard and dep back into the regular army.


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