Sunday, August 25, 2024

JST Transcripts/College hours not reflecting on PPW


I am having issues with JST and/or college hours not reflecting on a soldiers PPW even months after it's been updated to the SM's profile. Is there a specific section under "Education" in the profile management tab that I have to do?



iPERMS has nothing to do with the STP or having the semester hrs updated on the PPW.  The civ education semester hrs has to be added in IPPS-A by the S1 under Soldier's Person Profile, Education tab - CIV-Degrees.  Under Degree do not choose "No degree" choose the degree the Soldier is working on getting. Ensure the Credit Hours Type, Credit Hours, & Graduated are all updated.  This is the only field that will update the PPW with the promotion points.

We have a step by guide for the S1/G1s on updating every field in IPPS-A that affects the Soldier's Promotion Points on the PPW. It is in the S1 net Enlisted Promotions G1-S1 Training Slides as of 6 June 2024


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