Friday, August 23, 2024

Recouping time in grade (constructive credit and 3year delay in promotion packet submission)


I have a question about the possibility of recouping time in grade in the National Guard. Background: I direct commissioned as a CPT in the Medical Corps in 2016 during year 2 of a 4 year residency . I was awarded 4 years of constructive credit for completing my 4 year MD degree in 2015 as reflected on my DA Form 5074-R. I did not receive any constructive credit for completing residency in 2019. I used elective time during my residency to complete BOLC in 2019 prior to graduation and began the credentialing process for the Army in hopes of a timely promotion to MAJ in either 2020 or 2021.

Perhaps this is faulty information, but when I joined in 2016, I was told that upon graduating from residency, I would be awarded the 4 years of constructive credit for that time and would be competitive for promotion to MAJ as long as I had completed BOLC.

To make a long story short, the above did not occur.  My packet was not submitted until late 2022 and I was promoted to MAJ in September 2023 through a DA Board (the delay was due to S1 problems within my unit and covid). At one point, a fellow Solider advised me that I may want to pursue a Special Selection Board but I deferred because my unit said that my eventual promotion to MAJ would be backdated considerably to reflect considerable time in grade given the delays in submitting my packet. When I received my promotion in September 2023, it was only backdated by 2 months.  My hope is to serve at least 20 years but, if possible, I would like to get closer to the promotion cycles of my peers to whom this did not occur.


My question is two-fold:

1) Would it be worthwhile for me to attempt to receive constructive credit for my 4 years of residency? AR-135-101 (below) indicates that this should be 4 years. If so, what is the mechanism for this? I assume it will ultimately need to go through Army Board for Correction of Military Records.

2) Is there any recourse for having my promotion backdated due to the multi-year delay in the submission of my promotion packet?


AR 135–101, Figure TABLE 3-1:

1. Basic qualifying degree: 4 years (MC)

a. M.D., D.O.,, D.D.S., or D.M.D.

b. Degrees in table 3-3. (Credit is given only for the highest degree achieved in a particular field.)

2. Credit for successful completion of internship or first-year graduate medical education which is approved by American Medical Association (AMA) or American Osteopathic Association (AOA) and is the functional equivalent of an internship. 1 year (MC)

3. Credit for GPE: 1 year for each year completed (MC)

a. GME in a specialty required, approved by AMA or AOA, and creditable toward certification.

b. Successful completion of approved postgraduate education in dentistry or dental specialty in which assigned and creditable toward certification.

c. Successful completion of postgraduate education (see table 3-5) in specialty in which assigned and creditable toward certification. Credit may no exceed that required for certification in the specialty. 



Way too complicated.  Maybe a request to the ABCMR?


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