1. IPPS-A UPDATE, 15 JAN 25. From the IPPS-A Senior Enlisted Advisor: “I want to provide you with some updates, guidance, and resources to share with your units as they continue to navigate IPPS-A.” Key points from this update follows. See the entire update at the following link. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1355204
a. FROCKING VS. PROMOTIONS. It has come to my attention that, for whatever reason, Soldiers that are frocked to 1SG and/or SGM are being erroneously promoted in IPPS-A. Though commanders (COL/O6 and above) may authorize Soldiers in the rank of SFC to be frocked to 1SG, and the Sergeant Major Management Division (SMMD)/Human Resources Command (HRC) will generate a memorandum authorizing the frocking of MSGs to SGM, things like ID cards, personnel data systems, and pay/entitlements will not be changed to reflect the frocked rank. Please inform your S1s that no frocking actions should be completed as a promotion in IPPS-A. These erroneous promotions can negatively impact actual promotions for your Soldiers.
b. SOLDIER FOCUSED JOB AIDS. We recently developed or updated Job Aids designed to help Soldiers navigate specific scenarios in IPPS-A. Your leaders may find the following Self-Service Job Aids particularly helpful. Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) Recertification, Personnel Record Review (PRR), Personnel Records Update, and Racial Ethnic Designation Category (REDCAT).
c. SUBMITTING A PERMANENT CHANGE OF STATION (PCS) EVENT. While I know I touched upon the importance of accurate PCS absence submissions, I want to make sure I stress upon it once more. Please provide your PCSing Soldiers with the Submitting a PCS Event Quick Sheet.
d. IPPS-A USER MANUAL. We are working on the next version of the IPPS-A User Manual. As always, we welcome any contributions from Soldiers the field. Please inform your NCOs that the cutoff date to submit comments for the next version is 14 February 2025.
2. APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE FY25 (MAR), UNITED STATES ARMY RESERVE (USAR), NON-ACTIVE GUARD RESERVE, POSITION VACANCY BOARD (PVB) FOR TROOP PROGRAM UNIT (TPU) POSITIONS. The FY25 (MAR) PVB will convene on or about 24 Mar 25 to consider eligible USAR officers for promotion selection based on authorized vacant TPU positions. The board will recess on or about 28 Mar 25. Unit commanders must review the PVB applications for completeness and submit through the Major Subordinate Commands (MSC) to their respective Readiness Division (RD) via email no later than (NLT) 27 Jan 25. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1354911
a. E8 PAM - JANUARY 2025 - DOR 01 MARCH 2025. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1355000
b. E6 PAM - JANUARY 2025 - DOR 01 MARCH 2025. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1354997
a. PPOM # 24-042 (UPDATED PERMANENT CHANGE OF STATION (PCS) ALLOWANCES WHEN PARTICIPATING IN PROFESSIONAL MILITARY EDUCATION (PME) OR TRAINING CLASSES IMPLEMENTATION GUIDANCE), DATED 30 DEC 2024: This guidance supersedes PPOM 24-018 and provides clarification to applicability, eligibility, and procedures for applying for PCS allowances for Soldiers when participating in PME or training classes. In accordance with reference 1b, Soldiers will be eligible to receive per diem paid equal to the amount of the BAH without-dependent rate applicable to the Soldier’s pay grade for their current Primary Duty Station (PDS) (training location), while also continuing to receive BAH at the with-dependent rate for their primary duty station. Soldiers must meet all eligibility requirements listed in paragraph 4b and 4c. This guidance applies to Army National Guard Soldiers who PCS to attend PME or Training Class for not more than (1) year. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1353459
b. PPOM # 24-041 (IMPLEMENTATION GUIDANCE FOR THE EXCEPTION TO POLICY (ETP) FOR THE AVIATION (AV) BRANCH WARRANT OFFICER (WO) PROFESSIONAL MILITARY EDUCATION (PME) TRANSFORMATION PLAN), DATED 3 DEC 2024: This policy memorandum provides guidance to ARNG Training Staff and State G-1s for implementing the requirements in Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G3/5/7, DAMO-TR memorandum (Exception to Policy for the Aviation Branch Warrant Officer Professional Military Education Transformation Plan), 18 July 2024. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1350444
c. PPOM # 24-021 (UNIFORMED SERVICES EMPLOYMENT AND REEMPLOYMENT RIGHTS ACT EXEMPTION STATUS CERTIFICATION POLICY), DATED 11 DEC 2024: This policy applies to ARNG Soldiers serving or who have served on active duty in a Title 10 or Title 32 status and are seeking to certify periods of service. The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) exemption status certification policy establishes responsibilities and provides procedures for informing Service members and individuals applying for uniformed service of their civilian employment and reemployment rights, benefits, and obligations. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1352276
d. UPDATE TO PPOM # 24-009 (UPDATE EXTENDING TEMPORARY CHANGE TO TIMELINE FOR REQUESTING VOLUNTARY RETIREMENT FROM ACTIVE FEDERAL SERVICE), DATED 6 JAN 2025: This memorandum provides an update to PPOM 24-009, hereby extending the temporary change to the timeline for Soldiers requesting voluntary retirement from active federal service to 31 March 2025. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1354345
a. HEAT FORUM 2025. From the MCoE Surgeon Cell: You're invited to the Army Heat Forum on February 26, 2025, where we'll discuss the latest strategies and innovations for preventing heat-related illnesses. This is your chance to share your expertise, learn from fellow professionals, and contribute to the safety of our soldiers in extreme temperatures. Attend in person or online. Visit the following link for more information. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1354908
b. 4ID AND FORT CARSON MULTIDOMAIN OPERATIONS SYMPOSIUM (MDO) SYMPOSIUM. The 4ID and Fort Carson hosts the Multidomain Operations Symposium, 230900-1200JAN25 (MST) to showcase how MDO is the future of warfare and highlight its relevance/application at echelon. Our panel of experts from across all domains (land, air, maritime, space, cyber, and SOF) will discuss how the force is conducting practical MDO training, taking MDO exercises from theoretical to real-world. They will take questions from our live and in-person audience. Join us to see how the US is leveraging MDO capabilities to enhance our technical and tactical advantage.
6. Recently published Military Personnel (MILPER) messages and Military Pay Messages.
a. MILPER MESSAGE 25-016, FY26 ARMY COMPETITIVE CATEGORY (ACC) SPECIAL OPERATIONS COMMAND CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER SELECTION PANEL (SOC-P), ISSUED: [14 JAN 25]. This announcement contains instructions regarding the ACC USASOC Command Chief Warrant Officer (CCWO) selection process. The SOC-P will convene on 14 July 2025 and recess on 16 July 2025 to consider warrant officers for service in specific CCWO positions within USASOC for FY26. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1354985
b. MILPER MESSAGE 25-017, OFFICIAL RELEASE OF THE FY25 REGULAR ARMY (RA)/UNITED STATES ARMY RESERVE (USAR) ACTIVE GUARD RESERVE (AGR) AND INDIVIDUAL MOBILIZATION AUGMENTEE (IMA) SERGEANT FIRST CLASS (SFC) EVALUATION BOARD RESULTS, ISSUED: [14 JAN 2025]. Subject Evaluation Board evaluated all noncommissioned officers (NCOs) in the zone of consideration. An alphabetical listing of all NCOs found Most/Fully Qualified (MQ/FQ) by the board will be posted to the HRC website on 17 January 2025. Access to individual OML standings in ACT and IPPSA will be made available on 17 January 2025. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1355026
c. MILPER MESSAGE 25-018, AMENDMENT TO MILPER 24-487, ISSUED 6 DEC 2024, FISCAL YEAR 2025 (FY25), ACTIVE COMPONENT (AC), LIEUTENANT COLONEL (LTC), CHAPLAIN CORPS (CHC), PROMOTION SELECTION BOARDS (PSB) ZONES OF CONSIDERATION, ISSUED: [14 JAN 25]. See the message for changes to the zone of consideration. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1355043
d. MILPER MESSAGE 25-019, MAY 2024 HQDA U.S. ARMY RESERVE TROOP PROGRAM UNIT (USAR TPU) OFFICER CANDIDATE SCHOOL (OCS) SELECTION PANEL RESULTS-AMENDMENT, ISSUED: [15 JAN 25]. This message applies to all U.S. Army Reserve Troop Program Unit (USAR TPU) Soldiers selected for Officer Candidate School (OCS) by the Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) USAR OCS Selection Panel held by the U.S. Army Human Resources Command (HRC). https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1355068
e. MILPER MESSAGE 25-020, PROCEDURES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2025 (FY25) QUALITATIVE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (QMP), ISSUED: [15 JAN 25]. The purpose of this message is to provide guidance and procedures in support of the QMP. QMP boards will be held in conjunction with the FY25 Headquarters Department of the Army (HQDA) Noncommissioned officer (NCO) evaluation boards and will consider Regular Army (RA) and U.S. Army Reserve Active Guard Reserve (USAR AGR) Soldiers in the rank of Staff Sergeant (SSG) thru Command Sergeant Major (CSM) for possible involuntary separation. For example, during the Sergeant First Class (SFC) Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) evaluation board convening 9 Oct 25, all NCOs notified for QMP will have their records reviewed. This information will be identified in the Personnel Restriction (PR) code “RET13” notification memorandum. As a matter of equity, NCOs who have been subsequently reduced below SSG remain eligible when the basis for referral occurred as a SSG or higher rank. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1355075
f. MILPER MESSAGE 25-021, ACADEMIC YEAR (AY) 25-27 ARMY WAR COLLEGE DISTANCE EDUCATION PROGRAM (AWCDEP) ENROLLMENT WINDOW, ISSUED: [15 JAN 25]. This message announces the academic year (AY) 25-27 Army War College Distance Education Program (AWCDEP) enrollment window for all eligible Army Competitive Category (ACC) and Special Branch officers. All FY24 Senior Service College (SSC) principal selects and alternates are eligible to apply. The window for AWCDEP enrollment is 15 January 2025 – 16 March 2025. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1355184
g. MILITARY PAY E-MESSAGE # 25-003, SUBJECT: DJMS-AC FEBRUARY 2025 PRODUCTION SCHEDULE. The purpose of this message is to inform all of the DJMS Active Component Update Schedule for the processing month of February 2025. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1354941
h. MILITARY PAY E-MESSAGE # 25-004, SUBJECT: DJMS-RC FEBRUARY 2025 PRODUCTION SCHEDULE. The purpose of this message is to inform all of the DJMS Reserve Component Update Schedule for the process month of February 2025. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1354949
i. ARMY RESERVE PAY MESSAGE 25-02 DEC 2024 UNIT PAY REPORTS. The Dec 2024 Unit Commander’s Pay Management Report (UCPMR) and the Dec 2024 Master Military Pay Account (MMPA) 2405 reports are available in RLAS for downloading. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1354999
7. FORSCOM INDIVIDUAL AUGMENTATION (IA) POSITIONS (UPDATED A/O 7 JAN 25). The below hot openings, and others, are listed at the following link. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-871989
b. OPS OFFICER | FORT LIBERTY, NC | O-4 | 01A | TS/SCI | JAN 25 | 365 DAYS.
9. ARNG/USAR POSITIONS/JOBS AVAILABLE. S1NET members have posted the following RC position/job vacancy information. For a listing of all USAR primary vacancies (updated weekly) visit milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-375787. Units/commands who wish to post vacancies on S1NET may do so by following the instructions posted on the front page of the Job Announcements topic at the following link. Those posts which are in the correct location and which are posted in accordance with the instructions provided will be included in a future S1NET Message Summary. milsuite.mil/book/community/spaces/apf/s1net/jobannouncementsmobvacancies
a. 549TH MI BN / TPU CPT O-3 / BN S-4 VACANCY / SAN ANTONIO, TX. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1354919
b. 9-95TH QM BN (INSTRUCTOR), TPU MULTIPLE OFF/ENL VACANCIES, MULTIPLE LOCATIONS. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1354920
c. 455TH CHEMICAL BRIGADE VACANCIES - LAS VEGAS, NV. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1354926
d. BILATERAL AFFAIRS OFFICER POSITION, 03/04, FOR THE SCARNG. https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-1355023
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