Friday, January 3, 2025

S1NET Special Message - CY25-27 Army Continuation Pay Within the Blended Retirement System

1. CY25-27 ARMY CONTINUATION PAY WITHIN THE BLENDED RETIREMENT SYSTEM, 31 DEC 24. Memo from the ASA M&RA:  This memorandum updates the Army’s continuation pay (CP) policy within the Blended Retirement System (BRS) and establishes a financial literacy training requirement as referenced in Title 10, United States Code, Section 992. This policy is effective 1 January 2025 and will remain in effect until this policy is updated or no longer applicable. It applies to Regular Army (RA), Active Guard Reserve (AGR), Army National Guard (ARNG), and United States Army Reserve (USAR) Soldiers who are covered under the Blended Retirement System (BRS). Some key points in this memo are listed below. The complete memo is available at the following link on S1NET.


     a. Eligibility for CY25 remains at 8-12 years of service as computed from the Soldier’s PEBD. 


     b. For CY26, eligibility changes to 7-12 years of service.


     c. For CY27, eligibility changes to 7-10 years of service. 


     d. Service Obligation: Soldiers must agree to serve four years of service in the component in which they are serving at the time CP is requested. The service obligation commences on the date of the Soldier’s signature on their CP election form. Soldiers who do not meet the minimum four year requirement must take retention action to be eligible for CP.


     e. CP Amount: The CP amount for all eligible Soldiers is 2.5 times the active duty monthly basic pay. It will be computed using the eligible Soldiers current pay grade and years of service as listed on the monthly basic pay table provided by the Defense Finance and Accounting Service in effect on the date of the Soldier’s signature on the CP election form.


     f. Screening and counseling:  Unit commanders, with assistance from career counselors, installation human resource (HR) professionals, will screen Soldiers during in- and out-processing for CP.  Unit commanders, career counselors, installation HR professionals, and S1 personnel will screen Soldiers annually during the Personnel Readiness Review. Career counselors will maintain documentation on Soldiers who were screened and the results of the screenings. If an initial or annual screening determines that a Soldier is eligible for the CP, company commanders will counsel the Soldier, in writing, with assistance and support from career counselors, on the eligibility determination, the CP training requirement, and CP application instructions.


     g. CP Training: CP training shall be provided when the Soldier becomes eligible for CP. Training completion must be recorded in the Digital Training Management System (DTMS) by the DTMS Manager.


     h. Commanders in the grade of O-5 and above are delegated the authority to certify CP applications. This authority may not be further delegated. Commanders will certify CP applications within 30 days of receiving an application. If the application is certified, career counselors will send CP application along with all substantiating documentation to unit HR professionals for processing to the supporting Army military pay office.


2. Each component will publish CP information and procedures for the payment no later than 30 days from the date of this memorandum. An ALARACT message is forthcoming from the Army G-1 for AC and USAR AGR procedures.  ARNG and USAR information and procedures will be published separately. 

S1NET Special Message 3 Jan 24- CY25-27 ARMY BRS CP.docx


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